
Hacked emails show Democratic party hostility to Sanders

The suggestion of undercutting Sanders based on religion is included in one of 19,252 hacked emails dumped Friday – just ahead of Democratic convention in Philadelphia – by WikiLeaks.


Sanders called for Wasserman Schultz to step down, and in an April 24 email she received with an article detailing Sanders talking about the DNC being unfair to his campaign, the chairwoman responded, “Spoken like someone who has never been a member of the Democratic Party and has no understanding of what we do”.

In the almost 20,000 searchable emails sent and received by Communications Director Luis Miranda, Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer, and other top DNC operatives, Sanders’ campaign was dismissed as amateurish and ill-fated.

Sanders has said this about his Jewish heritage: “I’m very proud of being Jewish”.

Sanders called out his party for refusing to schedule debates between the two candidates at times that would maximize viewership, for shutting down his access to DNC voter files, and orchestrating an elaborate scheme with the Hillary Victory Fund to funnel money to Clinton’s campaign, away from state party offices.

“I don’t really think this makes sense”.

Guccifer 2.0 told The Hill he leaked the documents to Wikileaks. This could make several points difference with my peeps. Among the officials whose emails were made public were DNC spokesman Luis Miranda, national finance director Jordon Kaplan and finance chief Scott Comer, but other DNC and media figures and even some White House officials communicated with them between January 2015 and last May, Wikileaks said. “My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and atheist”. “The DNC should push back DIRECTLY at Sanders and say that what he is saying is false and harmful the the [sic] Democratic party”, attorney Marc Elias wrote in a note to Miranda on May 3.

In another email chain, the DNC national press secretary plotted with the DNC communications director about planting a negative narrative about how Sanders had lost control of his entire campaign out of reckless incompetence and that it was his demeanor that caused him to struggle late in the campaign rather than a “DNC conspiracy”.

It was well known that there had been friction between the Sanders campaign and an ostensibly impartial party apparatus.

Kaplan directed Shapiro to put NY philanthropist Philip Munger in the prime spot, switching out Maryland ophthalmologist Sreedhar Potarazu.


And top DNC officials were not happy when they were called out for taking sides.

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine a leading contender to be Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's pick for vice president waves to the crowd before attending a private fundraiser event in Newport