
Hacker posts personal information of US House Democrats

On Friday, the hacker wrote a blog post taking credit for a fresh leak from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.


Pelosi noted that the hack has been widely reported as part of a Russian cyber attack, although Obama administration officials have not officially attributed it to the Russians. It also published emails from retired General Philip Breedlove, who had served as North Atlantic Treaty Organisation supreme commander who wanted to be more aggressive against Russian Federation regarding Ukraine.

Trump has rejected the allegation, insisting Democrats were trying to “deflect the horror and stupidity” of the leak.

The hacker Guccifer 2.0 has had his Twitter account suspended after he successfully hacked servers from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

The hacker stated that the latest penetration of the Democratic Party’s computer network was not hard, noting that finding lawmakers’ personal data “was even easier than in the case of the DNC breach”. But the unknown of what comes next, as the FBI investigates the hacks, is fueling anxiety in an election season that’s seeing Republican Donald Trump fade in favor of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The DCCC said a cyber security company it hired after the breach concluded two Russian security agencies were behind the that hack. The registrant for the fake DCCC site was linked back to other web domains used by “Fancy Bear”.

“The unauthorized disclosure of people’s personally identifiable information is never acceptable”, California Rep. Adam Schiff said in a statement.

‘Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages, ‘ Pelosi said in her letter to colleagues.

One major concern are the emails sent to the members or the staff could include website links with malware or phishing attempts to steal identities or financial information.

The House Democratic Caucus also sent a notice to its members early Saturday morning advising them to change the passwords to all their email accounts, even personal ones, and “to strongly consider changing passwords associated with sensitive personal accounts such as banking institutions”. Capitol Police and the House sergeant-at-arms are checking into finding out just how vulnerable this hack leaves them.

Her departure came after leaked internal messages revealed suggestions that the party favored presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over her former rival, Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary.


Many of the House Democrats whose information was compromised were on committees such as the House Intelligence Committee, the House Armed Services Committee and the House Foreign Relations Committee, thus leading to increasing national security concerns.

Personal Information Of Nearly 200 US Democrats Leaked In Latest Hack