
Hacker teases new 3DS YouTube exploit for running unofficial games and apps

After enabling The Homebrew Launcher, 3DS owners in North America can play software imported from Japan, Europe, and other parts of the world.


After targeting two games on 3DS allowing users to run their own unofficial games and apps, it looks like a hacker is targeting the system’s official YouTube app next.

The new exploit is geared towards 3DS users who are fans of homebrewed games. Destructoid reports that one of the playable games in the homebrew is a 3DS version of “Portal“, called “Aperture Science 3D“.

The Homebrew Launcher also enables support for enthusiast-created software. Currently, the 3DS eShop’s Virtual Console service does not feature any downloadable Super NES games. However, those interested in the exploit dubbed as TubeHax should act quickly as Nintendo could potentially remove the Youtube app from the eShop just as it did “IronFall: Invasion” earlier this month. It uses a copy of Iron Fall to give you offline access to the Homebrew Launcher and all its benefits.

IronFall’s removal from the eShop is Nintendo’s latest attempt to quell the spread of homebrew software on the 3DS.

You can see evidence of the exploit above, so don’t be surprised if the YouTube app for 3DS is temporarily removed by Nintendo too this week while they work on fixing up the issue. The exploit also lets users run region-specific gamecards and set custom themes in the handheld’s home menu.


Despite the controversy surrounding Jordan Rabet and Nintendo’s swift security measurements to counter his Homebrew launcher, the coder himself has suggested he is not trying to encourage piracy.
