
Hackers Break Into Another Democratic Party Computer System

Russian government hackers have breached the computers of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, according to individuals familiar with the matter.


The breach affected a DNC data analytics program used by the campaign and a number of other organizations, according to the campaign.

The hack could have occurred last month; that’s when a fake site with a URL very close to that of the DCCC went online, capturing some traffic, Reuters reports.

The Justice Department is investigating whether the hacking has threatened US security, Reuters said.

Upon discovering the intrusion, the DCCC immediately took action and engaged with the cyber security company CrowdStrike to assist it in addressing this incident, she said.

Another branch of the Democratic Party says its been hacked.

First it was the DNC, then the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and now the network that is utilized by the Clinton campaign has been hacked.

Earlier this week, a separate cyber attack that could be tied to Russian hackers and a subsequent leak of the Democratic National Committee’s emails resulted in the resignation of Schultz.

Reuters reported Thursday that the FBI had opened an investigation into a digital intrusion at the DCCC. “A compromise of this nature is something we take very seriously, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will continue to investigate and hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace”.

Cindy Miscikowski, 68, a California donor, said she would be upset if hackers got her bank information, but otherwise she was not anxious because donations are disclosed publicly.

Cyber experts and USA officials said this week there was evidence that Russian Federation engineered the DNC hack to release sensitive party emails and influence US politics.

The DCCC was “the target of a cybersecurity incident”, said Meredith Kelly, spokeswoman for the committee that helps fundraise for Democratic candidates for the House. “With the assistance of leading experts we have taken and are continuing to take steps to enhance the security of our network in the face of these recent events”, the committee said in the statement.

In its research, FireEye notes it previously confirmed that malware analyzed from the DNC hack was also consistent with “Tsar Team” – suggesting the group was involved in both attacks.

The GOP nominee later tried to walk back the comments.

Trump said he was just being sarcastic when he made the remarks.


This story is being updated as information develops.

US intelligence not ready to ID hackers