
Haley, Kansas governor send joint letter opposing transferring terrorists

Bringing detainees from Guantanamo Bay to facilities in Kansas and South Carolina is preposterous, Republican Sens.


According to Roberts and Scott, while housing detainees anywhere in the United States is a bad idea, Fort Leavenworth is a particularly poor location, as the facility is surrounded by schools and homes, and moreover, is only 16 miles from the Kansas City global Airport.

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott has also been vocal on social media about the potential move.

On January 22, 2009, newly inaugurated President Barack Obama signed an executive order to close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility in Cuba within one year, and then, the following summer, granted himself a six-month extension.

But Obama has faced congressional opposition to bringing the detainees into the United States.

The Department of Defense recently sent teams to assess the possibility of these detainees being moved to the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., or the U.S. Naval Consolidated Brig in South Carolina.

Wilson said the deal leaves too much on the table for Iran when it comes to building nuclear weapons and he says Iran still has the ability to acquire intercontinental ballistic missiles even with the deal in place – missiles that could reach the United States. “The detention facilities at Guantanamo are doing a fantastic job of holding these terrorists”.

Roberts and Scott said locking up suspected terrorists in American prisons “puts the well-being of states in danger”, which might make sense if American prisons didn’t already have plenty of convicted terrorists behind bars on U.S. soil.

An exact date for that review visit is not set, said Cmdr. “Of serious concern is that there is no way to control who the terrorists would attract to our communities”.


The brig in Charleston is a short distance from schools, Scott said.

The Pentagon's only maximum security prison at the U.S. Army's Fort Leavenworth in Kansas is one of the facilities being considered to place Guantanamo prisoners deemed too dangerous to release