
Halloween costumes you might want to skip

Check out the controversial Nicki Minaj blackface tweets and photos below, and tell Gossip Cop what you think.


Just in case the administration’s investigation isn’t enough, her superintendent is also being informed that the costume was worn to a school event and no one said anything prior to the photos being tweeted.

“Nicki Minaj and Drake in the cut #DynamicDuo #homecoming #ovo”, she wrote on Twitter, per the Daily News.

Amidst the outcry on Twitter Emma released an apology and changed her Twitter account to private before deleting it all together.

The costume caused an uproar on Twitter, where several users bashed her and threatened to report her to her prospective colleges.

In the photo she is wearing a leopard catsuit, in full body blackface, complete with epic butt pads to complete her transformation into Minaj.

“I sincerely apologize for my actions”, she tweeted on Tuesday.

As far as tasteless Halloween costumes go, it doesn’t get much worse than the sexy skeleton get-up “Anna Rexia”, the copy for which reads, “You can never be too rich or too thin”, whatever that means. “I would like to first apologize for my error in judgment”.

Celebrities, politicians and newsmakers are popular fodder for Halloween costumes, but they can be tasteless if done the wrong way.


Along those lines, public service campaigns in previous years have tried to discourage the practice of using cultural stereotypes and marginalized groups as costumes.

Here's your yearly reminder that blackface is a bad Halloween costume choice