
Halperin Agrees: MSM Double-Standard on Hillary Laughing at Idea of Fiorina

“The Clinton campaign spoke with the university (Tuesday) to explore potential event venues for her upcoming Boulder visit, but no details have been finalized”, campus spokesman Ryan Huff said in a statement.


Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton is facing a backlash from Republicans for laughing at a campaign-event questioner’s comment about wanting to “strangle” GOP candidate Carly Fiorina. I don’t even take umbrage with Mrs. Clinton.

“Let’s be fair”, Behar said.

The room erupted in laughter – and so did Clinton.

“I know that doesn’t sound very nice”, he said.

Support for the former secretary of state is down slightly from the 56 percent of voters who said they’d support Clinton in an October survey.

“First, I can understand why someone who is laid off might feel badly about it”, Fiorina said on Wednesday’s broadcast of FOX News’ The O’Reilly Factor. Should she have laughed at the supporter’s comment? A proposal floated by the Concerned Veterans of America, a conservative-leaning group, indeed calls for the VA to be turned into a government-chartered nonprofit.

“Everyone at the VA has to meet the highest standards and never forget their mission”, Clinton said, adding that the problems that have crippled the agency “need to be fixed, they need to be fixed now”.

Clinton hit Republicans on privatization, arguing they will “seize on anything they can to help advance this goal of theirs”.

“For her to accuse me and my Republican colleagues of wanting to “privatize” the VA is, of course, inaccurate and offensive”, Arizona Sen. He pointed to a veterans’ bill signed into law a year ago by President Barack Obama that included an expansion of private care options. Hillary Clinton will try to continue her momentum from the Benghazi hearings and the previous candidate forums, where her confident public performances were widely credited with bolstering her standing as the undisputed Democratic front-runner. “She should apologize immediately”.


Chris Christie, the New Jersey governor who is desperate for a leg up in the race, mentioned her over and over again.

Clinton Laughs At 'Strangle Fiorina' Outburst