
Hamas leader upbeat on talks with Israel

The crossing, which connects the Gaza Strip with Egypt, allowed some 6,329 people to pass through from Monday to Thursday.


The report is understood to reject the claim of any link between the Brotherhood and terrorist acts in Egypt, but is expected to argue that its network of organisations in Britain is not conducive to the public good.

The offer divided Hamas, according to informed sources.

Hamas political chief Khaled Meshaal.

Egypt did not indicate when the crossing would be next time be opened.

Gaza has been struggling to recover from the 50-day war Israel launched against the strip in early July previous year.

I maintain that the PA’s rejection of the prospective Israeli-Hamas truce is completely misplaced.

He stressed that the armed movement would not give up its weapons as long as the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories continued.

“The Palestinian factions have agreed during the Cairo negotiations on a period of calm in exchange for lifting of the siege, and if the Israeli occupation is interested in the ceasefire or expanding a truce it must lift the siege on Gaza, because nothing comes without a price”, he added.

Worldwide aid has largely failed to materialize….

“The graveness of such an incident was that it was the first of its kind and it breaks all diplomatic and security norms of the state of Egypt”, said the group, which called on the authorities to quickly apprehend the kidnappers.

The truce will help Saudi Arabia to establish a broad Sunni alliance from the Gulf to the Mediterranean to counter Iran’s parallel Shiite crescent, and inhibit Tehran’s ambition to become the region’s hegemon. The API provides several common denominators between Israel and Hamas about the principle idea of a two-state solution, and offers Hamas’s leadership a face-saving way out. The truce could further nudge Hamas in that direction.


Khaled Mashaal, the head of the Palestinian Islamist movement’s political bureau, confirmed on Friday that the two sides are engaged in indirect discussions on a possible cease-fire in the South.

Khaled Meshaal the political bureau chief of Palestinian resistance movement Hamas