
Hammond calls on Seoul to exercise restraint after H-bomb blast

North Korea is seeking a peace treaty with the United States, China and South Korea to formally end the Korean War and will not stop its nuclear tests until it gets one, a person who relayed that message from North Korea to China told Reuters.


North Korea has reportedly increased the number of troops on its border with the South as Seoul resumed propaganda loudspeaker broadcasts in retaliation for its neighbour’s test of an alleged hydrogen bomb.

But they are certain to draw a furious response from North Korea, which considers them a declaration of war because it is extremely sensitive to any outside criticism of the authoritarian leadership of Kim.

The propaganda broadcasts coincide with the North Korean leader’s 32nd birthday celebrations.

John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, has urged China to get tough with North Korea after Pyongyang reportedly conducted a nuclear test earlier this week.

The US navy is increasingly anxious about tensions on the Korean peninsula after Pyongyang tested a nuclear device, a move that could spur closer military ties between neighbours South Korea and Japan, a senior US officer said on Friday. “North Korea could carry out a surprise provocation at any time in the current confrontational situation on the Korean Peninsula and we should be prepared for it”, President Park Geun-hye said in a meeting with almost 500 female leaders in western Seoul.

On Wednesday, North Korea said it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb.

Kerry said he and Wang agreed to work closely to determine what measures could be taken given increasing concerns about the nuclear test.

China is said to be annoyed with North Korea’s most recent test, which came without advanced warning to any nation.

“In light of new developments, China will continue to protect the non-proliferation regime and will work with all parties to resolve this issue”, the diplomat said.

Kerry told reporters on Thursday that he spoke by phone with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

But U.S. officials have cast doubt on the claim the exploded device was a hydrogen bomb.

The latest test at North Korea’s underground site at Punggye-ri on the northeastern coast could also lead the renew pressure on South Korea to accept placement of a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile unit.

In 2005, North Korea reached an agreement with the United States, South Korea, China, Japan and Russian Federation to suspend its nuclear programme in return for diplomatic rewards and energy assistance.

The U.N. Security Council held an emergency session and pledged to swiftly pursue new sanctions against North Korea, saying its test was a “clear violation” of previous U.N. resolutions.

Kerry rejected a reporter s suggestion that the Obama administration had neglected the North Korean threat as it focused on curbing Iran s nuclear program.


“I believe that China is honest in its desire not to see nuclear capability developed by North Korea”, he added.

UN sanctions threat over North Korea nuclear test