
Hampshire groups work together on new anti-smoking campaign

“People shouldn’t be put off if they have tried before and not succeeded”.


The change coincides with the annual “Stoptober” challenge – where thousands of current smokers start their goal to stop smoking by not lighting up throughout the month of October.

“Quitting smoking can be a hard process, but evidence shows that if a smoker can go 28 days without a cigarette, they are five times more likely to stay permanently smoke-free”, said Councillor Patricia Stallard, Hampshire County Council’s Executive Member for Health and Public Health. “I welcome this new legislation which will play a significant role in protecting children from the dangers of secondhand smoke”.

A recent survey by YouGov and ASH revealed that ending smoking in cars with children is supported by 85 percent of adults from households with under 18s.

Prosecutions can still be carried out should the driver have their window open or air conditioning on.

More than three quarters of a million people in the United Kingdom have already taken part in the biggest quit smoking attempt since it began three years ago and last year more than 3,700 people in Hampshire quit smoking.

Anyone who wants to quit this Stoptober can visit the website and sign up to the 28-day quit challenge.

“But above all, we would like to see people kick the habit altogether”. Free support includes texts, social media coaching from celebrities as well as local stop smoking services on-hand to provide face-to-face advice.

SMOKERS in Prestwich and Whitefield are being urged to sign up to Stoptober and receive “stop smoking” encouragement from a few of the nation’s top comedians. “Our advice is to keep your family safe by keeping your vehicle smokefree”.


Michael Ross, spokesperson for commented: “Making the decision to give up cigarettes for Stoptober is the first step in a very hard uphill battle that will completely test your willpower”.

Is October the month you decide to stub out that final cigarette