
Hanna: Trump ‘Unfit’ To Be President, Says He’ll Vote For Clinton

But Anthony Scaramucci, a Wall Street fundraiser for Trump, estimated the GOP nominee and the groups that support him might have raised up to $70 million in July, Fortune magazine reported on its website.


“I will vote for Hillary, I will talk to my Republican friends about helping her, and I will donate to her campaign and try to raise money for her”, Whitman told The Times.

“I will be hopeful and resolute in my belief that being a good American who loves his country is far more important than parties or winning and losing”, Hanna wrote.

Khizr Khan, standing on stage with his wife Ghazala, gave a moving speech during the Democratic National Convention last week, in which he criticized Trump for sowing division and smearing minorities.

Calling Trump, “profoundly offensive and narcissistic” and a “world class panderer”, Hanna said he found the candidate “flawed in endless ways”.

Campaign officials said more than half of the July contributions came from first-time givers, potentially providing her campaign with a fresh pool of donors to tap for multiple contributions in the weeks ahead.

Rep. Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.) said in an op-ed on that he will cast his vote for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Oneida County Republican Chair Pete Sobel says he’s, “completely disappointed that Richard Hanna is poking his finger in the eye of the Republicans who supported him for six years”.

A moderate Republican, Hanna argued that the GOP is increasingly less capable of nominating someone who is electable as president because the primary process is so geared toward the party’s political base.

Perhaps trying to divert attention away from a disastrous week for his campaign, Mr Trump also escalated his rhetoric about Democratic rival Ms Clinton.

Clinton’s favorability rating fares better than Trumps among registered voters with 43% having a favorable view of Clinton and 54% having an unfavorable view. I see one from CNN where we’re down. That, or at least after “the countless other insults he’s proudly lobbed from behind the Republican presidential podium”.


Donald Trump is openly taunting the leaders of his own party by refusing to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Sen. Now, the show has weighed in on the USA presidential race in its new episode.

Tyler Clinton