
Harborough CLP resoundingly backs Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leadership

The eventat the Hilton Newcastle Gateshead Hotel was the second in a series of hustings planned during the leadership campaign.


A source close to the Smith campaign said: “Jeremy Corbyn has campaigned harder for his own job than for the thousands of jobs that depend on Britain’s membership of the European Union”.

Other questions challenged by Mr Corbyn’s new website include whether the Labour leader is “serious about tackling sexism”.

Mr Smith was among dozens of Labour MPs to resign from Mr Corbyn’s front bench in protest at his leadership.

It is likely that the decision hinges of Mr Corbyn’s policy on Trident.

In a secret ballot, held after passionate speeches from the floor for the rival candidates, 76 people voted in favour of Jeremy Corbyn, while five voted for Owen Smith.

“John McDonnell has consistently made it clear that everyone in our party must be free to express their opinion and be heard respectfully without fear of being shouted down, which is why I simply don’t believe he approved these intemperate words from Jeremy’s campaign”.

Most new recruits are well intentioned, he added, but some “old hands” are “twisting young arms” and bringing them into sectarian disputes between the party’s right-wing and the Corbyn camp.

Lord Falconer, who quit as shadow justice secretary in the mass walkout of the shadow cabinet, said the party was right to appeal against the High Court ruling.

“I’ve lost confidence in you”.

“However, a significant minority backed Owen Smith”.

“Owen Smith is someone who can reunify the party both in parliament and in the country”, he said.

One of the “rabble”, one of the so-called “thugs” that you see as part of the Momentum movement who support Jeremy Corbyn.

“And we’ve had that in the form of the attempted coup which was defeated and supported by Tom Watson, let us remember, and that means Jeremy Corbyn will have a thumping mandate to carry through really what should be a socialist programme”. Whoever emerges as their new leader will want to act quickly to make inroads into this Conservative poll lead and address concerns about the party’s future.

Mr Smith, outsider in the race against Mr Corbyn, attacked the Tories’ record as he set out plans to lift housebuilding to its highest level for 50 years.

A Labour constituency meeting in Jeremy Coryn’s home turf of Islington last night descended into a debate about anti-Semitism in the party, according to those present.


The Labour leadership contest result will be announced on 24 September. William Hill even went so far as to give Corbyn winning odds of 1/20 after one customer recently put a £60,000 ($78,000) bet on the current Labour leader.

Jeremy Corbyn