
Harford County Man Shot By Police Outside Dallas Airport

A woman is seen dropping 29-year-old Shawn Diamond and his luggage off at the end of the drive.


The man was approached by a responding officer when the suspect charged at the officer with at least one rock in his hand, according to investigators.

Officials later identified the suspect as Shawn Nicolas Diamond, and said he was hospitalized in stable condition Friday evening. It’s Dallas’s second busiest airport behind Dallas/Forth Worth International Airport.

The time was 12:05 p.m., and Love Field’s security cameras were rolling, giving us the clearest look yet at what happened just outside of Baggage Claim door two.

Television footage shows a police presence at Dallas Love Field airport following reports of shots fired outside a baggage claim.

Police opened fire on a man who refused to put down a rock at Love Field airport in Dallas on Friday in an incident that prompted a lockdown and evacuation, local TV news reported.

On Friday, police released surveillance video capturing the officer-involved shooting. Diamond was booked into Denton County Jail and released on bond Friday. He said Diamond was heard telling the officer, “You’re going to have to shoot”.

Though many said they had arrived early not knowing what awaited them at the airport after the incident. He was arrested Thursday after causing $3,700 in damage to city-owned trees by reckless driving, Carrollton police spokeswoman Jolene DeVito said.

Authorities said 29-year-old Shawn Nicholas Diamond of Maryland was using large rocks to smash vehicle windows and threaten the mother of his children when an officer arrived on the scene.

He posted video online which shows officers on scene and drawing their guns. The video has no sound.

Brown said the officer ordered Diamond to stay down.


Asked why the officer fired so many rounds at a man holding a rock, Blankenbaker said only that he did not know how many shots were fired. He says the officer was able to get away before he was rushed again by the man. Blankenbaker says the officer then fired his weapon at the man several times. One officer at the scene, who would not be named, said he was told that the victim “absorbed” all the other bullets. In a tweet sent Friday on its Twitter account, the police union said the officer involved in the shooting “is ok”.

Harford County Man Shot By Police Outside Dallas Airport