
Harris County Sheriff pays for controversial sign out of his own pocket

Sheriff Mike Jolley of Harris County put up a new welcome sign right outside the sheriff’s office.


A U.S. sheriff has unveiled a symbolic protest against modern political correctness in the form of a welcome sign – that urges visitors to leave if they are offended by the beliefs held by people in the county. We salute our troops & our flag.

If you’re offended, Harris County Sheriff Mike Jolley has a not-so-subtle suggestion: “LEAVE!”

The sheriff says he paid for the sign out of his own pocket, but has since received private donations from the community.

Read the full story from WTVM.

“I’m humbled by all the attention the sign has received”, Jolley said.

In an interview, the six-term sheriff said it is “time for the silent majority to stand up for our beliefs and not be ashamed”. He purchased it from D&S Sign Company on Linwood Boulevard in Columbus.

And, it has, in fact, become so popular that several locals have expressed interest in getting a similar sign made for themselves so that they can put one up outside their homes.

Some have even sent checks.

Some say the sheriff went too far.

The paper asked Jolley how the sign might make any of his 75 employees who are not Christian feel.


“For me and mine, we worship Jesus Christ”.

Georgia sheriff posts political correctness sign