
‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’: Is it too…

Nine years after J.K. Rowling’s final novel about the boy wizard, Harry has returned, on the stage and the page — and he’s still producing commercial alchemy.


Movies and merchandise followed, of course, but at its core, the Harry Potter phenomenon is about a good story well told in ink on paper and about the enduring joy of reading.

Barnes and Noble has a weekend full of magical festivities planned for the release of the long-awaited “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One and Two”. “It’s been so long since there’s been anything out that I think it will really be a big deal for fans who grew up with it and love it. My kids are not as insane for him as I am, but the younger one is really into Harry, too”, Guthrie said.

Harry Potter fans will be hoping to catch a glimpse of stars such as JK Rowling at the opening gala of Harry Potter And The Cursed Child.

Customers can pre-order the books, then stop at the store for a wristband starting at 9 a.m. Saturday.

Toby will go to bed early on Saturday and set his alarm for just before midnight so that he is rested and ready when the book becomes available!

7523 Maple St., New Orleans will be holding a party on Sunday, July 31.

Those eager to find out what happens in the time-twisting instalment can read the review of 10-year-old Toby L’Estrange, a speed-reading prodigy who has been challenged by Amazon to write the first review of the new Harry Potter story.

613 N. Carrolton Ave., New Orleans, will be hosting a birthday for Harry potter on Sunday as well, from 2pm to 5pm. Lead-up activities include a scavenger hunt and face painting beginning at 2 p.m., and a party beginning at 9 p.m. with a costume contest, a Harry Potter trivia competition and a Sorting Hat.

The plot is a mystery, as stores aren’t allowed to open the boxes containing the scripts until Saturday at midnight. Award-winning interactive storyteller, Frank Levy will also grace the party with his presence.

There is a lot to look forward to on July 31 for the release of the “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”.

“People started ordering this book months ago”, she said.

“We’re going to have enough (books) to cover everyone”, Smith said.


The appeal of the stories hasn’t worn off, either, as proven by the success of J.K. Rowling’s website Pottermore and the new Harry Potter theme parks, she said.

British speed-reading prodigy, 10, to be first to review Harry Potter And The Cursed Child book