
‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ parties planned across Canada

Barnes & Noble in Mayfaire Town Center will have a “countdown to midnight” party beginning at 8 p.m. Saturday night.


Meanwhile, Calgary’s Kensington shopping district will be transformed into Diagon Alley from the Potter books on Sunday.

It feels as if time has stood still at Lello, a Gothic Revival style bookstore in the historic centre of Porto, whose heady “olde worlde” ambiance inspired some of the scenes for Harry Potter.

“There’s really nothing else like it”.

At midnight on the July 31, Harry Potter’s (and J.K. Rowling’s) birthday, you can download the script as an ebook online.

Fans of Harry Potter in Manchester will gather this Saturday to celebrate the launch of the latest instalment in J.K. Rowling’s series. Harry now works in the Ministry of Magic and has three children to Ginny Weasley.

This weekend, there’s no more need to practice your accio manuscript spells, as the wait for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will be over. “They’re dying to know what the story is about”, said Yvette Caradonna, manager at Ella Minnow Children’s Bookstore in Toronto, which will hold a party on Sunday featuring Professor Snape’s potion classroom, Garrick Ollivander’s wand shop and quidditch tryouts.

“Everybody is wondering: Is it new characters, is it Harry in a different role, is it his child that’s cursed?”

But Halifax’s Bookmark bookstore notes the book is a “different beast” than the original stories and hasn’t reached the same level of frenzy there.

If you haven’t made plans to head to a release party yet, don’t fret; Scholastic has made it incredibly easy to find a celebration.

He said: “It would be a weird one”.

“I’m just dying to see it”, said Amanda Young, a Wilmington therapist and die-hard Potter fan.

Still, Hamm, Caradonna and Hall said advance sales have been strong.

“We’ll have a 3-D puzzle build of the Astronomy Tower”, Fischer says. The dark undertones of this latest story seem to suggest that Rowling’s send-off contained more ominous irony than we’d originally thought.


“Would it be more about them watching me watch the show or would it take away from the show”. Set 19 years after the events in “Deathly Hallows”, the script follows a grown-up Harry, now an employee of the Ministry of Magic, on a challenging mission.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Hit Record Sales Before July 31 Release Date; 2016 Book Parties Map; Synopis;