
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child set for Broadway

At midnight on the July 31, Harry Potter’s (and J.K. Rowling’s) birthday, you can download the script as an ebook online. Thousands of bookstores around the world are holding midnight Potter parties Saturday, and are reporting advance sales not seen since the 2007 publication of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, the final novel in Rowling’s seven-book series.


Written by Jack Thorne, the play is from an original idea by Potter author JK Rowling and is directed by John Tiffany.

“In the two-hour period before the book goes on sale, we are hosting a party to celebrate the launch”, said manager Tony Hayes. Amanda is a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts, a Horned Serpent at Ilvermorny and believes her patronus is probably a cat. The play began previews June 7 and opens July 30 at the Palace Theatre in London. “I don’t think it should be considered a part of the series anymore as it will have a different plot without Harry Potter being the lead character”. Muggles in the US, UK, and Canada will clutch freshly Pottered pages in numbers rivaled only by, well, the last Harry Potter book.

“The response from our customers to this release has been incredible, and it has generated such a buzz around the publishing world that we are happily anticipating a huge number of people joining our queue on Saturday 30”.

Those eager to find out what happens in the time-twisting instalment can read the review of 10-year-old Toby L’Estrange, a speed-reading prodigy who has been challenged by Amazon to write the first review of the new Harry Potter story. The story follows Harry, now an overworked employee at the Ministry of Magic, and his younger son Albus Severus Potter. The library will have three copies of the book ready for checkout. Audience members are given buttons urging them to #keepthesecret, and most have complied.


“It was just so massive and it was just so overreaching culturally that it just can’t be duplicated, I don’t think”.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child