
Harry Reid: Donald Trump not sarcastic — ‘he’s being dumb’

Now, 71 years later, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump think that should be stopped.


“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, Trump had said.

“I mean, her number one person is married to Anthony Weiner – who is a sleaze ball and a pervert”.

“His Republican Party decided that the answer to hard-working Americans’ dreams is to slander our African-American president, stoke fear of Muslims, sow hatred of Latinos, insult Asians, and, of course, wage war against women”, said Mr. Reid.

Reid, who is retiring after this election cycle, told The Huffington Post Wednesday afternoon before his convention speech that Trump is too “dangerous” to give any kind of important information to.

“In the depths of the financial recession in 2008”, she says, “I got a call at home in the evening”.

“Donald Trump and Mike Pence want to put insurance companies back in charge of your health”, he said. And Donald Trump and Mike Pence want to gamble with your retirement benefits in the stock market.

In a press conference, Reid mentioned Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, who remains in his race amid allegations of domestic abuse. Republicans want to tear down the pillars of middle-class security.

His words dripped with disdain as he said Republicans “say they believe in country first”, adding, “What a joke”.

“We knew he liked Putin before this, but this is quite ridiculous”, Reid said in response. “I’d like to have them released”.

“I’ve had some proud fights”. “And now, having whacked his wife – ex-wife – around a few times”.


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