
Has Gary Johnson recovered after ‘What’s Aleppo?’ mishap?

Johnson’s remarks mirror those of Donald Trump, as well as other minor party candidates, in refusing to go after Clinton’s health since her campaign admitted Sunday that she’d contracted pneumonia.


Joe Hauptmann, chair of the Libertarian Party of IN, said the Libertarian Party is making a statement and posing a threat IN the upcoming elections. “Will those young people at Trump rallies really vote for him?” said Haynes.

Trump, meanwhile, fares even worse, scoring approximately 59 percent unfavorability in the same national index.

For the Reform Party in the 2000 election, Patrick Buchanan appeared on all 50 state ballots, but not in D.C. The Libertarian Party also secured nationwide ballot access in 2000 with Browne running again, but Arizona’s Libertarian Party opted to instead run L. Neil Smith.

I’ve known Gary for a long time.

Boman said the Johnson campaign has a list of 3,000 voters who have expressed interest in volunteering.

“There has to be a vetting that takes place”, Johnson said. He claims he wants to help people but who has he helped in his business dealings? He said when it comes to job growth we need to reduce the administrative burden, level the playing field and incentivize job growth.

On Thursday during an interview with MSNBC Garry Johnson Libertarian Party presidential candidate when being asked that, “if you were elected, what would you do regarding “Aleppo” condition”?

“We join many Americans in being sick of the status quo in American politics, particularly presidential politics, that has far drifted from the bedrock ideals of our fabulous Founders”, the editorial said. With the chance to pick up a sizeable chunk of voters disillusioned with the current two party system, Johnson showed exactly what he didn’t know, and in the end, just like Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers, he will likely come to regret yet another missed opportunity to score.

Two elections later in the year 2000, the Commission for Presidential Debates established a rule that a candidate needed to garner 15% support in an average of five national polls to be included on the debate stage. Currently, he is polling at 9 percent nationally according to an ABC News and Washington Post poll.


“The Republican and Democratic Parties should be asking themselves how they will get the support of Gary Johnson voters in the next election”, Fraga said.

Gary Johnson just has one simple question: 'And what is Aleppo?'