
Has Lee County’s mythical Lizard Man returned?

He snapped some photos of the creature before it disappeared into the swamp, but it’s a photo taken by a woman who’s identified herself only as “Sarah” that’s really got people talking.


“Went to church with a friend in Bishopville and we saw lizard man come out of the woods and run along the tree line”, Sarah wrote. According to ABC 4, an unidentified man submitted a 20-second-long video on Monday morning that also purports to show the Lizard Man, taken in Scape Ore Swamp just off Camden Highway in Bishopville. My hand to God, I am not making this up.

“My friend told me it’s probably a pet monitor lizard someone, but my girlfriend thinks it’s lizard man”, Wilson said.

In the 20-second video, the photographer ducks behind a tree as a dark figure with what appears to be a long tail walks by some 30 or 40 yards away. As Wilson returned to his vehicle, he looked back one more time only to see the creature crossing the swamp.

“If you’re wondering, I absolutely believe it’s real”, the man who shot the footage told WCIV. “I also don’t know if it’s the same thing you posted”, he said about the woman’s lizard man’s picture in the news.

A man said he spotted Lizard Man at the same location while he was hunting for raccoons in May.

The Lizard Man has been engraved in South Carolina’s mythos ever since.

“When it noticed me, I high-tailed it out”, he said. Later, a man named Chris Davis claimed his vehicle was attacked by a 7-foot-tall “lizard man” with glowing red eyes.

Davis escaped, but his side-view mirror was damaged and deep scratch marks covered the roof of his vehicle.

Local police were skeptical, but the large number of sightings led them to believe something was being seen, so they made plaster casts of what appeared to be large three-toed footprints. “Was there someone dressed up like Lizard Man in 1988?”

For awhile sightings trailed off, but Lizard Man resurfaced once again in 2011 when a couple reported that their auto was mauled overnight.

Destination Truth” was one of several TV shows that came to the swamp to investigate these sightings, but the lizard man wasn’t found.


I answer: “Of course I believe Lizard Man was real”.

Lizard Man Is Back in South Carolina and Looking Good