
Have an Instagram obsessed girlfriend? There’s help for you

Some of these Instagram husbands claim to be thrilled about their duties-which include snapping pictures of their girlfriends, helping choreograph the flawless shots, and commenting on every upload.


So runs this satirical PSA from, a new support group for men oppressed by Instagram (created by the cast of The Mystery Hour TV show).

Or, more simply, does anything in this video strike a little too close to home? “And a brick wall”.

“Behind every cute girl on Instagram is a guy like me”, explains one of the sad-looking dudes. “It’s an exaggerated version of my wife and me”, he said.

“I’m basically a human selfie stick”, George says in the video.

Jeff Houghton acted in the video and tells BBC Trending it’s an “exaggerated version of my own life” as well as that of his friends. That’s the idea in the hilarious video above, which is part of Instagram Husband, a website dedicated to men who are sick and exhausted of being the designated Instagram photographer.

Instagram skews heavily towards young people and women: according to one estimate, 68% of its users are female. Have you stood on more railroad tracks since meeting your Instagram Wife than in the previous years of your life combined? 10.

The mystery of the artistic photos you see on Instagram may finally have been solved.

And like the video’s description says, the Insta hubbies are not alone.


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