
‘He’s Shooting Everyone Who’s Already Dead:’ Orlando Shooting Survivor Recalls Playing Dead

A Winter Haven man who faked his death after he was shot by a gunman inside the Pulse nightclub spoke about the horrific ordeal during a news conference held by Orlando Regional Medical Center on Tuesday morning. Six remain in critical condition, trauma surgeon Michael Cheatham told reporters during a press conference at the hospital.


The doctors described it as the worst catastrophe they could imagine as they rushed to save lives, going from operating room to operating room and seeing patients brought in by the truckload.

A former MA resident said he played dead to survive the Orlando nightclub shooting on Sunday morning. Further he added, “We need to do something”. “I’m grateful for [the police officer] but the floor is just covered in glass, so he is dragging me out while I am just getting cut on my behind, by back my leg”. When he tried to get up, he was trampled over.

Mateen went into another room and Colon heard more shooting. By this time, I couldn’t walk at all.

Colon said he had been having a fun evening and began saying his goodbyes when he heard the chaos starting. He was eventually killed in a shootout with police.

“I got the call at 3 o’clock in the morning and they told me there was a mass shooting, so I came right in to work”, she said.

Sydney Town Hall was also swathed in pink light as Sydneysiders lit candles, listened to speeches and paid tribute to those killed in the worst mass shooting in recent U.S. history. He said he wishes he could remember the face of the police officer who ultimately dragged him out of the club to an ambulance.

The doctors train for mass casualty events, and they’re prepared to triage patients in hallways, but nobody expects the biggest mass shooting in US history to happen on your watch, and in your town. “And I am just laying down there thinking that I am next, I am dead”. “Unfortunately, I was shot three times in my leg and I had fallen”, Colon said.

“By this time, he goes up to the front, and I think this is where he is battling against the cops because I can hear shotguns going off all over the place”.

Though Mateen shot at him twice, Colon said he was struck in his hand and hip.

“And we get across the street and I look over and there are bodies everywhere, they’re all in pain”, he said.

Five victims are in a “guarded condition” and 16 victims are in stable conditions. Colon said that he could “feel the heat of the gun” while the killer was shooting into the crowd, and was struck while shielding a female companion. I’ve seen so much love, from everyone. “After seeing what occurred, I don’t even know how I’m alive today”, he said. “The way that you guys have taken care of us in this hospital is wonderful”, he said, breaking down in tears.


In all, the team would treat more than 40 patients, losing only 9 that first night.

A rainbow brightens the sky over Orlando Fla. on Tuesday