
Health Dept: 3rd confirmed case of Zika virus in New Mexico

Mosquitos are most active when it is darker, such as during dawn or dusk.


Rio de Janeiro, June 4: With global attention focused on the Aedes aegypti mosquito that carries the Zika virus, researchers in Brazil are pursuing a way to battle the insect with flower power. It is also linked to several other types of birth defects, and to Guillain-Barre syndrome in adults.

She reminds the public Zika carrying mosquitoes have not been found in Wisconsin. The program routinely surveys counties based on historical West Nile Virus presence. Keep this in mind when developing a prevention plan.

Pregnant women should not travel to any of the countries reporting incidents of the virus.

“With the spread of the Zika virus overseas, we urge residents who travel to take precautions”, Mangano said.

“Because sexual transmission is also possible, the male partner should also avoid travel to the affected areas”, she added.

Men are encouraged to abstain from sex or use a condom if they have contracted or come into contact with someone who has contracted the virus. “The most common symptoms are joint pain, a rash and conjunctivitis, which is the reddening of the eyes”. It is still unknown when, if, and where local transmission of Zika will occur. “What people don’t know is that there can be a half-inch of water in a child’s toy or in a bottle cap, a flowerpot saucer or water can”, he said.

What the state is not doing, public health experts say, is paying for protective measures – such as mosquito eradication and handing out insect repellants – that could reduce the risk of Zika transmission.

But Miller said the money is just a distraction from what he calls the dysfunction among regulatory agencies, like the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency, involved in Zika solutions such as vaccines and spraying.

The yellow fever mosquito is known to be the primary vector of Zika outside the US and, therefore, has the potential to be the primary vector in the well. Mosquitoes become infected by feeding on infected persons. “If travel is unavoidable, it is essential to talk to a doctor or other health-care provider before the trip and strictly follow steps to prevent mosquito bites during the trip”. If people have mosquito problems and decide to use a form of pest control, he suggests people hire professionals because they are trained, licensed and insured. Stagnant water is where most mosquitoes breed. The same trap past year saw only about 100 mosquitoes in mid-May due likely due to the incredibly dry weather since mosquitoes need standing water for their eggs to hatch.


A fetus infected with the Zika virus during the first three months of pregnancy has about a 1% to 13% chance of developing microcephaly, an abnormally small head usually caused by incomplete brain development, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Understanding how to identify mosquito breeding sites is key to proper mosquito control and mitigating concerns of mosquito-borne illnesses.
