
Health officials urge people to get tested on World AIDS Day

“I just hope that people, especially on world AIDS day, everybody goes out and gets tested, finds out their status, and then after that does what they’re supposed to do”, Smith said.


According to the World AIDS Day website, globally there are an estimated 34 million people who have the virus. The 10 hardest hit countries are India, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, China, Cambodia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and Pakistan. “The lack of funding where we can not provide education and services to the people at the grassroots level”, said Emma Palmantier, Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network Chair.

Health officials say the best prevention is abstinence and protection.

Much has changed in the treatment of HIV and AIDS in the three decades since the epidemic began.

Contracting HIV is not necessarily a death sentence, but it does require life-long medication.

Knowledge is power and getting tested is simple and easy.

We need to intensify our efforts to connect infected and at-risk people with needed health services to treat or prevent HIV infection.

In support of the World AIDS Day, the White House on Tuesday released an action plan for combating AIDS in the United States over the next five years. That is how we will one day eradicate AIDS.

He also said the world has committed to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. The prospect of dying from the virus is terrifying, but the fact of the matter is it’s both preventable and treatable.

Earlier studies have proved that people can reduce their risk of HIV infection by taking a daily pill called Truvada.

Meanwhile, members of the public are reminded to take necessary precautions in protecting themselves from HIV/AIDS by engaging in safe sex, having one sexual partner and refraining from sharing items such as razors and needles.

There are 140 patients being treated in Yellowstone County for HIV/AIDS.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.


This is a fight we can win, but it won’t happen overnight and will require everyone’s involvement.

This Is Wiltshire Charlie Sheen