
Hear Donald Trump accept the Republican Party nomination for President

“Let’s defeat her in November”. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is also under consideration, among a few others.


Can fear and vitriol lead to victory in a presidential election?

Imagine, then, my horror to see Republicans doing nearly exactly the same thing to people who didn’t share their adoration of the party’s nominee.

On Tuesday, Trump was officially declared the party’s presidential nominee after a state-by-state vote.

Pena Nieto joined President Barack Obama in a joint White House press conference Friday.

Most of us who have watched Trump and his earliest faithful act like goons in public were not surprised at the reaction. Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal, said only Trump was being honest about how “fake culture wars” distract from America’s economic decline. “I have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens, just like it was rigged against Bernie Sanders – he never had a chance”, Trump said.

On Facebook alone, it is virtually impossible to have a civil conversation with Trump supporters, because they will brook no opposition. “But Hillary Clinton’s legacy does not have to be America’s legacy”.

To use the app, users must give the campaign contact information through Facebook, including e-mail addresses.

If you only read one thing: Donald Trump’s convention’s dark turn continued Thursday night, as the Republican presidential nominee painted a picture of a nation in decline and at war, both overseas and at home.

Trump’s daughter Ivanka introduced her father before the speech.

“But if his father becomes president, he may have other things to do”, Kolb said. The list was meant to ease concerns about his conservative credentials in the Republican primary.

Trump defended his retaliatory retweet of an unflattering image of Melania and Heidi. The Cruz campaign denied involvement.

Trump then turned to justifying how, on the eve of the IN primary that proved to be Cruz’s last stand, he touted a story IN the National Enquirer tabloid that printed a photo that purported to show Cruz’s father, Rafael, with Lee Harvey Oswald. There is no evidence of a link between the two men.

But not by Trump, and many in the GOP establishment are shaking their heads at the idea of a swaggering billionaire and reality TV star taking over their party as the champion of its discontented base.

Trump did not touch upon the incident in his convention speech. But rather that stay focused on Clinton or reach out to the general election voters he now must court, Trump spent considerable time stoking the fire of his bitter quarrel with Republican former rival Ted Cruz.

“By the way, I have to say though that the Trump supporters in that crowd were not very gracious about this either”, he said.

“I only want to admit individuals into our country who will support our values and love our people”. I knew his speech. they gave me his speech.

Trump, appeared with his vice presidential running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, the morning after the convention ended, bringing up Cruz as he was thanking staffers and volunteers. However, the delegates were less than impressed with Ted’s lack of endorsement as they began booing him near the end of his speech. “I would have to know more about what he’d do, but he’d be a great candidate”. He made the rounds relentlessly and delivered shows that were well-received amid the crush of late-night shows tackling the convention. Tim Kaine. By traditional measures, he’s a good choice.

Clinton’s record of working with Republicans in the Senate suggests she would. “He sees his kids as an advantage, and I think he’s right”. What are your thoughts on Donald Trump’s convention speech?

Now Democrats are eager to step up for their own spectacle.


Hillary Clinton on Friday said Sen. The Democratic convention in Philadelphia, which starts Monday, is expected to be a more orderly affair. Clinton is, if anything, disciplined.

Sen. Dan Coats R-Ind