
Heartbreak as the historic Bangladesh-India land swap after 70 years splits

The authorities of Bangladesh and India are set to exchange enclaves at Friday midnight as part of the process of implementing the historic Land Boundary Agreement (LBR) of 1974.


These include what’s probably the world’s only counter-counter-enclave – a piece of India inside Bangladeshi territory inside an Indian enclave inside Bangladesh.

Officials said, with the execution of LBA signed by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Indira Gandi, all Indian enclaves inside Bangladesh will become land of Bangladesh while Bangladeshi enclaves inside India will be considered Indian land from midnight on July 31. The transfer of enclaves will be carried out in a phased manner over the next 11 months.

In July, the two countries had completed an exercise to ascertain the wishes of the residents of these enclaves.

Meanwhile, an Indian High Commission release here said the enclaves would stand physically transferred with effect from midnight tonight in accordance with steps agreed to between Bangladesh and India during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Dhaka visit in June this year.

Across the border, 979 of the 37,369 living in 111 Indian enclaves inside Bangladesh have applied for Indian citizenship so far.

At least 16 persons among the 979 who have applied for relocating to India are reported to have criminal cases against them in Bangladesh.

The Centre has already sanctioned a Rs 3,048 crore package for rehabilitation of the people affected by the exchange of enclaves under the LBA implementation. India, Bangladesh to notify border settlement today Following the flag hoisting, the enclaves – pockets of one country’s territory surrounded by the other – will cease to exist and more than 50,000 people who have been living there can now access citizenship benefits such as schools, power and healthcare that they have lacked since 1947. Boundary pillars demarcating the enclaves, known as the British Pillars, will be removed.

The passage of people to land of their choice would be arranged by the respective governments by November 30.

Villagers at one village alleged that only those who do not have land or property in Bangladesh have opted to come to India, while many who own property there are staying back, as they are facing difficulties in getting the right prices.

Independence, will have to provide “details of the records and specifications of immovable property” to the local district administration.

LBA was ratified by Indian Parliament in May.


Kolkata/New Delhi: It ” s a historic day for India and Bangladesh.

India, Bangladesh to Swap Land in End to Decades-Old Border Spat