
Hearthstone’s next expansion is called The Grand Tournament

Video game developer Blizzard is announcing that it is working on a new major expansion for Hearthstone, called The Grand Tournament, which is designed to deliver a range of new cards to the title and to introduce some new mechanics.


The new trailer for Hearthstone’s third expansion, The Grand Tournament, has been released.

“Knights of all races flocked to Northrend, vying for glory in epic battles against fearsome monsters. “. And it won’t be long until you’ll be able to open those card packs, because the Grand Tournament begins next month.

GameSpot will be reporting live from the Hearthstone event this afternoon, and then speaking with Dodds about the announcement. The expansion takes place during the Argent Tournament of Warcraft lore, though director Eric Dodds says it will be a much sillier take on the event compared to what series fans are used to. Utilizing your Hero Power while a minion with Inspire is on the board will result in one of any number of effects. Though the Lich King’s evil has been vanquished, the Grand Tournament continues… the competitive atmosphere’s just a bit more playful than it used to be. Or you could go watch it direct on Twitch, but that doesn’t feel as fun as huddling around the TouchArcade fire. All told the expansion will include 132 new cards (you can see a few examples below). The pre-purchase deal is for 50 packs at a buck a pack.

The pirate chap is Skycap’n Kragg, whose Charrrrrge ability means that he costs 1 less mana for every friendly pirate on the board.


Cards affecting heroes powers – Maiden of the Lake.

Hearthstone's second expansion The Grand Tournament