
Hello Games Developing New Title After No Man’s Sky?

With about 18 quintillion planets in the games procedurally generated universe, the chances of you coming across another player looks quite slim.


Pretty confusing stuff. But thanks to the efforts of the courageous Psytokat and TheSadCactus, we now at least have some clarification on whether it’s possible to actually encounter other players in-game.

The event occurred when Redditor TheGalacticCactus inadvertently landed on a planet which had been named by another player, Psytokat.

According to Sean Murray, founder of United Kingdom -based video game developer Hello Games, the USA release date for the game will be pushed back from August 9 to August 12.

“You can have – and you’ll see this from our patch notes – we’re able to change huge things in the universe, because we have complete control”.

“We’re under a pretty intense spotlight right now, and hopefully it’s easy to imagine how hard it would be to switch off from that, or how deeply we care about people’s first impression of the game”, read the post.

Murray then continued: “We want people to be aware they are in a shared universe. We added online features, and some Easter Eggs to create cool moments” he tweeted, before continuing.

Hello Games recently revealed that as of yesterday the server’s Discovery data would be wiped meaning that any player who discovered planets ahead of Sunday, would lose that data.

The universe of “No Man’s Sky” is very big with over 18 quintillion – or 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 – possible planets to visit. Both players took to Twitch to stream their game as they attempted to meet at a designated point.


To be clear, cooperative play was never meant to be a huge part of the No Man’s Sky experience. Murray has said the chance of two players running into each other in-game is “pretty much zero” given the universe size, so that might be even more unbelievable a feat than the 10 million species discovered.

No Man's Sky