
Henderson police officers traveling in pairs after Baton Rouge shooting

Gavin Eugene Long, the ex-Marine who fatally shot three law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge on Sunday, filed court records previous year in Kansas City in which he declared himself a sovereign citizen.


As Lynch noted, that wasn’t all of Jackson’s message: He also said, “These are trying times. Please don’t let hate infect your heart”, Jackson wrote.

Authorities later identified 41-year-old Nicholas Tullier as an officer in critical condition. “This city MUST and WILL get better”, he continued and, addressing protesters, officers, friends, family and neighbours he said: “I got you”.

Erika Green told The Associated Press Sunday that she is friends with the family of Jackson, one of three Baton Rouge law enforcement officers who were killed Sunday morning.

Jackson’s aunt revealed his identity to CNN, simply saying “Today isn’t going too well”.

It has been an emotionally charged few days across the country because of the protests stemming from the Sterling shooting and the shooting by police of Philando Castile in Minnesota, plus the ambush on Dallas police officers in which a sniper killed five officers.

Bruce Simmons, a 51-year-old with 23 years of service, sustained non-life threatening injuries, authorities said.

Jordan said his son-in-law had been working long hours since the death of Alton Sterling and the resulting protests.

The shooting began at a gas station on Airline Highway.

Long, who said he was filming his videos in his hotel room as well as in his vehicle, suggests peaceful protests such as those exercised in Baton Rouge and Dallas were futile, based on emotion and soon forgotten.

Although Baton Rouge is “hundreds of miles away from Boston, the pain and suffering caused by the loss of these officers in the line of duty is felt deeply by the men and women of the BPD”, Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said Sunday. “This is not going to tarnish this city or this department”.

Quinyetta McMillon, the mother of one of Sterling’s son, Cameron, condemned the shootings. The 37-year-old African-American father of five was shot and killed at close quarters by law enforcement officers on July 5. “An attack on one of us, is an attack on all of us”. A school spokesman said university police had no interactions with him.

On the CBS Evening News, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said more needs to be done to build trust between minority communities and the police.

To those who shared Jackson’s Facebook post after it surfaced on social media, the missive spoke volumes about his character.

It also offered rare, candid insight into the impact of Sterling’s death on officers in the community.

“I’m exhausted physically and emotionally”, the post starts, “Disappointed in some family, friends, and officers for some reckless comments but hey, what’s in your heart is in your heart”. I still love you all because hate takes too much energy. “It is an absolute tragedy”.

What Jackson wanted most was for “everyone to respect everyone”, his brother said.

Hillary Clinton called the shooting a “devastating assault” on police officers in Baton Rouge, saying it was “an assault on all of us”.

Asked what he would like the world to know about his brother, Pitts answered, “He would want the world to be a better place”.

The shooting less than a mile from police headquarters added to the tensions across the country between the black community and police.

“I love this city, but I wonder if this city loves me”.

In the Facebook posting Jackson said while in uniform he gets nasty looks and out of uniform some consider him a threat.

In Cleveland, the police union is asking Gov. John Kasich to restrict the state’s open carry laws temporarily for the Republican National Convention in light of the events in Baton Rouge.

Gerald was a former Marine and Blackhawk crew chief in the Army.

The president said these type of attacks on public servants and police “have to stop”.

“He was one of the true Americans that lived to be a patriot”, Lambert said. He was new to the police force, just four months in after serving as a Marine. But Edmonson wouldn’t say how many or give details. “Matt was born to protect those who needed protection”, he said. He was killed in a shootout with police. They discussed the tumultuous climate in Baton Rouge, said their goodbyes, and “told each other to be safe”, Cabral told CNN.

The third officer killed was 45-year-old sheriff’s deputy Brad Garafola, a 24-year veteran, spokeswoman Casey Rayborn Hicks for the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office said.

He was selected as the Civil Deputy of the Month in January 2013.


His brother Brett Garafola confirmed his death in a Facebook post, according to WAFB. Thank you to everyone that’s reached out to me or my wife.

Nassau police officers and the PBA union gathered