
Henry: Democrats Tell Me They’re ‘Worried’ About Clinton Avoiding Media and

“I’ll. … She represents a 3rd time period of a failed presidency”.


Marco Rubio highlighted his own humble upbringing, contrasting it to Clinton’s wealth. But he used to sing her praises. Even with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul accusing him of handing the election to Hillary Clinton, it wasn’t long before Trump got the hall cheering. “That’s not it”.

The theme extended to the earlier undercard event Thursday.

Rick Perry: “Let’s go with three – good at email”. Neither candidate said how they would address a child whose parents they’d deport.

This can be interpreted in many ways, beyond the obvious fascination with Donald Trump which, no doubt, drew a lot of people. Jim Webb and former Rhode Island Sen.

“The day’s action in one quick read”. New York’s Pataki has been out of office since 2006, and Virginia’s Gilmore since 2002.

“I’ve had my issues with Donald Trump …”

The never-been-elected outsiders, and of course, the billionaire showman. The debate on Fox News had a 16.0 household rating between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m., according to Nielsen. Given how many candidates there were, it mean very limited time to respond.

Well, I’m pro-life, I’ve always been pro-life, and I’ve got a position that I think is consistent with many Americans out there in that

And the first debate question of the 2016 campaign goes to… But so would every single other GOP candidate.

Bloomberg has been a major financier of gun control advocates in recent years, including spending millions backing candidates who favor curbing gun rights. Sure, he would do all the things that he described, and Clinton would not.

The ad will also appear digitally in those states and South Carolina, another early primary state. Paul reminded viewers of Christie hugging Obama post-superstorm Sandy; Christie said the hugs he remembers were of 9/11 victims.

They are accused of conspiring to buy the support of an Iowa state senator just before that year’s Iowa caucuses. Paul rolled his eyes.

The exchanges were made possible by a 2009 memo referring to potential “White House equities” in documents.

Earnest predicts most of the debate will be about Obama and his use of his influence.

Senate Minority Leader Lucia Guzman, D-Denver, said after Clinton spoke that she was thrilled by Clinton’s appearance and energized by the turnout. Fifteen or so staffers huddled over their laptops ready to pounce. “She counts on the fact that people are uninformed”, Carson said. “Dividing the country. Saying, creating a grievance kind of environment”.

She noted she was not watching the debate. “She’s not going to repeal Obamacare and replace it, I will. She’s not going to build the Keystone pipeline, I will. She’s not going to change Dodd-Frank, I will”. The Happy Hour Debate candidates scrapped for attention.

But his attention quickly turned back to the TV.

Clinton’s team tweeted out the first fact check just 13 minutes into the debate.

The winners: Points for Hillary Clinton, Twitter, possibly America.


Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley’s campaign adopted the hash tag #WWMOMD (“What Would Martin O’Malley Do”) for its rapid response throughout the night. But the committee says they will be in February or March.

Jeb Bush heavy favorite for GOP presidential nod, Bovada bettors say