
Here’s Chelsea Clinton’s Speech at the Democratic National Convention

During Clinton’s nominating speech, Trump blasted supporters with 15 anti-Clinton emails – most arguing she embraces free trade, open borders and special interest groups.


Clinton was quick to appease Bernie Sanders supporters, saying she’s heard the views of Bernie Sanders’ steadfast supporters and says their cause is her cause. Overall, 51% of Americans say the convention made them less likely to vote for Trump, while 36% said it made them more likely to vote for him.

On the final night of the Democratic National Convention, Hillary Clinton will make history by being the first woman from a major political party to formally accept a presidential nomination. “First we had lady Ghostbusters, now this!”

“Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future”. “I’m with her”, he wrote, adding the hashtag #AndShesBeenListeningToDiscTwo.

Chelsea Clinton tells the Democratic convention that she’s seen her mom surrounded by “stack of memos and reports” to review policy. You may remember that the previous week, Trump shouted out a rambling, hate-filled speech with pointed jabs full of his usual suspects: he’s going to build a wall, ban all muslims, make America great again, etc. Hillary took umbrage with that, and pointed out his weaknesses while driving home her own.

Vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine, a U.S. senator from Virginia, said Trump is a “a one-man wrecking crew” who can not be trusted in the Oval Office. She also bridged the connection between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

Donald Trump was squarely in her sights as Ms Clinton stated: “Don’t believe anyone who says I alone can fix it”.

Ok, so we doubt they are hanging out together hunting Pokemon this weekend.

The introduction, from Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton, also touched on this fact but did so in a much more human way.

-“It’s just not right that Donald Trump can ignore his debts, but students and families can’t refinance theirs”. “But in Hillary Clinton’s America, millions of people are left out in the cold”.

Trump and his campaign have described the Democratic Party convention speakers as painting too pretty a picture of the state of the nation.

Sen. Barbara Mikulski, from Maryland, said it was time to fight for Clinton.


And General John Allen, former commander of United States forces in Afghanistan, appeared on stage with other military veterans and gave Clinton a ringing endorsement as commander-in-chief.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks during the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Thursday