
Here’s How To Duplicate Infinite Resources In No Man’s Sky

As such, you’ll want to find some more space as soon as possible.


According to the YouTuber, there is no centre of the procedurally-generated universe, only the centre of the galaxy the player is now exploring. That will help you out quite a bit as you endeavor to reach the center of No Man’s Sky’s universe.

These valuable items can be found using your scanner, with them showing up as an exclamation mark inside a green square.

What’s at the center of the galaxy? Firstly, you’ll need to fix your smashed ship up, which means you’ll need to gather the correct resource ingredients to craft the parts your ship is missing. Going out into the game-world on foot early on, can lead you to numerous places of interest, and set you very far from your ship. FPSs are like sex partners, as far as I’m concerned; if they’re not 60 or over, you’re doing it wrong.

A requirement to even create the Hyperdrive Fuel needed to travel across the galaxy in a timely fashion, Antimatter is one of the first major crafting hurdles any budding space explorer is likely to face.

The hyperdrive requires the following components: a Dynamic Resonator and 200 Heridium. The cost of each Exosuit upgrade rises in increments of 10,000 units, though this is a small price to pay to bulk up your storage space.

To find a drop pod you must first find a Signal Scanner, which are easily spotted on a planet by virtue of the orange beam of light they shoot skywards.

As much as we love the trusty Rasamama S36 for being with us for our first ever Pulse Jumps and Hyperspace Warps, its paltry inventory space quickly becomes a burden.

While you are there, try to look around the area and you will find it inside one of the buildings. A marker will highlight the location of an outpost on a nearby planet.

To craft Antimatter, you need the following components: an Electron Vapor, 50 Heridium, and 20 Zinc.

Upgrading your Hyperdrive is a good step forward, too. You can only improve, upgrade, or interact with objects if the required resources are either in your Exosuit inventory, or you’re standing in close proximity to your starship anyway. Alternately this, and most other glitches, can be taken care of just by reloading one of the two previous saves from the Options menu. Choose Atlas and work your way towards the centre of the galaxy with a defined progression. We won’t spoil it here, but there is a difference.

Hold onto your Atlas Stones.

If you want to know more specifics of what ten Atlas Stones can actually do, keep reading. They’ll then be after you, and that’d suck. Here’s how it works.

Get killed by a Sentinel on a planet surface. The game always autosaves when your character respawns, and we want to go back to the save file before your death.


Your inventory should be the same as before you died. You see a planet, you can go there. So absolutely explore, follow something pretty, come upon something new- that is really what No Man’s Sky is about.

No Man's Sky