
Here’s what’s in the latest Batman: Arkham Knight DLC

As mentioned in the beginning, the DLC will feature several new villains, such as Mr. Freeze, Killer Croc and more for Batman to fight.


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Washington and Moscow are the key powers in the process, leading talks through the 17-nation International Syria Support Group. While in Paris on Monday, Kerry met with counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan as he prepared for the Moscow talks.

Calling today “the biggest content drop to date”, Perkins says the new Season of Infamy expansion was designed by Rocksteady to “tie up a few loose ends from the previous Batman: Arkham games”.

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Entitled Season of Infamy: Most Wanted, those new faces in question will be scattered across a pack of new missions for Arkham Knight, and Warner Bros. listed brief summaries of each to stoke excitement.

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Make sure the tree is at least three feet away from any heat source, like fireplaces, radiators, candles, heat vents or lights. Home fires during the holiday season often involve cooking, Christmas trees, candles and holiday decorations.

Batman and Mr Freeze are on reasonably friendly terms in “In From The Cold”, while “Shadow War” holds a morally questionable mission involving Ra’s Al Ghul.

The content is free to those that purchased the season pass, or it can be purchased seperately via online stores. Batman: Arkham Knight is available across PS4, Xbox One and, following a turbulent launch period, PC.

There is also a batch of free Arkham Knight DLC available starting today, though some of it requires you own previously released paid content. The Militia has kidnapped Nora and will return her to Freeze in exchange for Batman’s capture.

Batman: Arkham Knight brings the award-winning Batman: Arkham trilogy from Rocksteady Studios to its epic conclusion.

Crime Fighter Challenge Pack #5 (£1.69/€1.99) – Combat and invisible predator maps featuring Batman, the Batmobile, Nightwing, Azrael, and Harley Quinn, allowing focused training in Freeflow Combat and Invisible Predator stealth incursion. Six TBC AR challenges will also be available in Crime Fighter Challenge Pack #5, which is part of the Season of Infamy DLC. Meanwhile, a similar offer is available for those that own the Red Hood Story Pack.

“Batman: Arkham Knight” poster from the official website. The expansion also includes the 2008 Batsuit and Batmobile skin, as well as a new challenge pack if you aren’t sick of hitting the punch button.

Those that feel like putting the Caped Crusader in the Christmas spirit can get the Batman: Noel Skin.

2008 Movie Batman Skin: Patrol the streets of Gotham City with this Batsuit inspired by the 2008 movie “The Dark Knight”.

For those that haven’t purchased the Season Pass yet, Microsoft is now running an Xbox Store Countdown sale that discounts the Season Pass to $25.99 for Xbox LIVE Gold members or $29.99 for non-members.


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Batman Arkham Knight Season of Infamy Most Wanted DLC