
Here’s when you can watch Netflix’s ‘Gilmore Girls’ revival

The theme song hasn’t changed, Rory’s voice has gotten a lil’ bit deeper seeing as she’s now an adult, and their pair are using iPhones and and talking about Amy Schumer.


The series brings back original stars Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel, with creator Amy Sherman-Palladino also returning.

On Wednesday, July 27, Netflix announced that the revival will premiere globally on Thanksgiving weekend, on November 25, 2016, at 12:01 a.m. Pacific Time.

Edward Herrmann, who played Gilmore patriarch Richard, died in 2014.

Netflix is looking to unearth its stock after the company dug itself a sizable hole that has come back to haunt the company.

You can watch the clip below – the Gilmore Girls part kicks in at around the 5.49 mark. It is not yet known whether or not Netflix will release all four episodes at the same time as they typically do or if they will be spread out.

When the Gilmore Girls reboot comes to Netflix this November, we’ll be reacquainted with Rory, Lorelai, and many of our old favorite characters.

The latest spoilers reveal that the four episodes stand for the four seasons – winter, spring, summer and fall.

“It feels like it’s been years”, Rory says to her mother.

She explained that her main concern was that viewers would skip to the end of the revival to see the much-buzzed about final four words of the show. And our very first glimpse of Lorelei and Rory since 2008.

“It’s going to mean a lot less if you flip to the last page”, she said of possible spoilers leaking.


When reporters insisted on her expounding upon Rory’s romantic life, she promised answers to all the questions people have. Netflix knows that fans will binge on watching Gilmore Girls that is why Netflix made it a point to premiere the show on a holiday.

Gilmore Girls’ Trailer Lorelai & Luke Not Happening