
Here’s why Nevada was Trump country

With both parties finished in Nevada, and with only the Democratic primary in SC between now and then, the presidential race is moving on to next week’s Super Tuesday primaries.


With the first four nominating contests in the rear-view mirror and no victories to show for it, a Rubio nomination would defy existing precedent that every eventual nominee has won at least one of the early states.

Donald Trump’s projected win in the Nevada GOP caucus Tuesday can only be described as sweeping, according to the results of the NBC News Entrance Poll.

Mr Trump won 14 delegates in Nevada.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called on Republican voters Wednesday to unite around his presidential campaign to prevent Donald Trump from running away with the race for the Republican nomination.

“I believe we are poised to have a very good night on ‘Super Tuesday, ‘” Cruz said at a Houston rally about his prospects on March 1, when a dozen states will head to the polls to vote for their preferred GOP candidate. Marco Rubio. Rubio wasn’t even in the state for the caucus results. Nevada’s caucusing played out in schools, community centers and places of worship across the state – a process that’s been chaotic in the past.

Rubio and Cruz are looking toward the so-called Super Tuesday group of contests to boost their campaigns and reel in Trump, who has led national polls for months.

Trump’s resounding victory was made possible by majority of the caucusgoers who said they wanted a president from outside the political establishment.

“A couple of months ago we weren’t expected to win this one”, Trump told shouting supporters at the Treasure Island casino, also citing his previous triumphs in the SC andNew Hampshire primaries.

All eyes were on whether Rubio and Cruz would be able to slow Trump’s momentum and which of the two candidates would come in second.

This is Ted Cruz’s third straight third place finish. “Now we’re going to get greedy for the United States-we’re going to grab and grab and grab”. Trump swept all of South Carolina’s 50 delegates, giving him a total of 67 compared to Cruz and Rubio who have 11 and 10, respectively.


In the run-up to Nevada, most of Trump’s rivals left him alone, opting to struggle with each other in a bid to be the last surviving challenger to the front-runner. “We won the evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated”.

Bernie Sanders