
Herman Cain On Carson: Liberals Resent Blacks Who Left ‘Democrat Plantation’

“People say, ‘How can you be a scientist and believe that God created the Earth?'” Carson told thousands of students and visitors Wednesday.


Now, in Carson’s defense, the question posed by Fox Business Network moderator Neil Cavuto was, shall we say, oblique. Carson’s stories include one situation where he claimed he attempted to stab a friend only to have the knife blocked by a belt buckle.

One person has come forward, a Dr. Robert Prince, who called into WBAL’s Jimmy Mathis Show to explain that he had heard the stabbing story, long before Carson became a famous name. I have no problem with being vetted.

Carson appears to have missed the nine hours during which Clinton was grilled, and after which nothing was uncovered by the Republican-led Benghazi Committee.

“When I look at somebody like Hillary Clinton, who sits there and tells her daughter and government official that no, this was a terrorist attack, and then tells everybody else that it was a video, where I came from, they call that a lie”, he said. He claims to have later been offered a “full scholarship” to West Point.

“Every time we raise the minimum wage, the number of jobless people increases”, Carson said.

It may very well be impossible to know what exactly happened in each of these instances, but the inconsistencies, coupled with Carson’s utter lack of acknowledgement of them, is troubling.

She did an interview with Parade Magazine that was published on May 11, 1997, and first dug up by Buzzfeed, before Carson’s campaign posted it on the candidate’s Facebook page.

At a rally in IL on Monday, Trump told the crowd that it was a “strange election”. Good work, if you can get it. But these new charges threaten to reduce the legend to a fairy tale, and thereby threaten the checks to be cashed after the votes have been cast. “What are we coming to?” His ideas have no basis in the Bible and, oddly enough for a man of science, there is no empirical evidence to suggest that the things he says are anything more than the ramblings of a twisted psyche.

“They just said that they could get him in”. I never saw anything like this. A Yale librarian even said there wasn’t a Perceptions 301 class at that time. And none of the other candidates raised questions about Carson’s varying accounts of episodes in his youth.

Carson did not “concede” that he was never granted admission to West Point because he has never claimed he was granted admission.

Donald Trump, a fellow outsider neck-and-neck with Carson in key early states, has the most to gain by the controversy, and stoked it on CNN’s “State of the Union”.

Rubio spokesman Alex Conant struck an optimistic tone this week and said the senator’s focus would remain unchanged heading into Tuesday night.

With all his success and growing support, Carson’s family is standing by him and knows most Americans see his genuine qualities too.


The candidate, however, clearly didn’t think it was necessary to show that side in Milwaukee. “There is no question about it”, he said, although he did not verify who exactly was anxious about the polling.

Trump check