
Heroes of Storm Is Adding Another Overwatch Character

She’ll join fellow Overwatch member Tracer as part of the Machines of War event for Heroes of the Storm, which is primarily a StarCraft-themed content update. While detailing a new update that will add a new mode and new rewards, Blizzard revealed that Zarya from Overwatch will be joining the roster of heroes.


Her Q ability is particle grenade, just like her secondary fire in Blizzard’s competitive shooter. Unlike in Overwatch, Zarya has a second ultimate ability in Heroes of the Storm that pushes enemies out of a target location, ideal for denying the enemy team an objective or for a quick escape.

Zarya’s abilities in the MOBA seem similar to her skillset in Overwatch, with gameplay footage showing her using the powerful Graviton Surge ability.

The trailer also revealed two different maps introduced as the Braxis Holdout and Warhead Junction maps.


Two brand new heroes have also been confirmed – Alarak, a melee assassin of StarCraft fame, and Zarya from Overwatch, who will be the second ranged warrior in the game (next to Rexxar). These include the legendary Queen of Ghosts skin for Kerrigan, a Mutalisk-themed skin for The Butcher, Raider Rexxar and Thunder Guard Zarya. The other, Warhead Junction, is a three lane map in which players collect warheads that can be used against the enemy team to deadly effect.

Another'Overwatch character is joining the roster of Blizzard's free-to-play MOBA