
Heroes Reborn: How Last Night’s Episode Changed Everything

It’s time to say goodbye…


All together now, Heroes Reborn fans: “Yatta!” He was the comic relief to Noah Bennet’s (Jack Coleman) constant seriousness, and without him, Noah would be getting happily married to an odd woman who we have never seemed to hear about after the first episode (now there is a solid relationship). He was, hands down, one of my favorite things about the renewed series. So, obviously it sucked when he died. Though I’m not too much in doubt as to whether or not she’ll come back, it gives the impression that she and Ren’s entire goal was exclusively to bring Hiro back into the mix which feels rather cheap. On tonight’s episode, Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka) returns in the fight to save humanity.

This is just a symptom of the real illness, which is that Miko hasn’t been developed enough as a character for her death to hold much weight, even if she did have an emotional reaction. Ren tells Miko that he loves her before she re-enters the game (Miko responds with a Han Solo-esque “I know”) and then leaves at Noah’s beckoning. And, most insultingly, both Ren and Miko shout “Leeroy Jenkins” as a battle cry, a nerd reference that is literally over a decade old. As Harris leads Noah and Quentin past the guards, Ren enters the game via his avatar and helps Miko defeat the guardian before his laptop battery hides out.

After catching up with other Heroes, Taylor breaks into her mom’s (Rya Kihlstedt) office and steals video files, and a manuscript for a book called “Escalating Evolution”, by Mohinder Suresh. His mocking amusement at Miko’s quest to free Hiro and the callous delivery of “well I guess it’s her destiny to die” immediately sets Richard up as an unlikeable bugger and a different strain of bad guy when compared to the business-like, deadly serious Erica and Harris. Harris escapes, but Noah clears the situation up and they all go off to free the real prisoner of Evernow, “The Master of Time and Space!” Miko noticed a symbol on the Eternal Fortress, which Ren discovers (using the power of the Internet!) matches up with Renautas’s research division. Schwenkman reveals that the “real” Miko died in a auto crash and this Miko is… a program, I think.

Needing to free Hiro, they leap into action, only to encounter The Shadow brought in to dispose of them. Hiro can only be held captive when he’s kept somewhere outside of space and time. We don’t know, but it is presumably after everything goes extinct. The Renautas inventor, whose name is Richard Schwenkman (no joke, Dick Schwenkman), and his team have been reprogramming Evernow because it’s the flawless fortress in which to trap the “Master of Space and Time” and sap his powers for their time machine. Hiro is back, and was it ever good to see him.

Tommy shows up in Emily’s room (which she conveniently is always in) and teleports her away to Paris. “After Tommy (Robbie Kay) makes a startling discovery, he and Emily (Gatlin Green) go on an unexpected journey”. Whatever energy she can control with her power – magnetic fields? gravity? the Force? – converts the harbor into a SodaStream and fizzes him back onto dry land, where, coincidentally, he quickly finds a reason to live: He knows the kid in her photo, the one in the packet Farah gave her: It’s Tommy, who is probably the Zan to her Jayna as far as world-saving responsibilities are concerned. Emily tells Tommy that she wants to show him something. The device isn’t so much a teleporter, as much as a time machine, taking humans to the supposed Evo-less future after the solar flare! Tommy tries to enter anyways, despite Emily’s warning, and then causes a scene when a few soldiers won’t let him enter. “Meanwhile, Carlos (Ryan Guzman) learns more about what is really going on with EVOS from an unlikely source”. He ditches the phone and uses the money from selling his practice to buy a sailboat. She takes a few things and is latter seen appearing to leave town and going on the run. Malina sees him jump in the water and uses his powers to pull him out of the ocean. The two talk briefly, and Malina reveals that the envelope she was given has a picture of Tommy in it. Of course, Luke recognizes him, and after Malina tells him it is destiny, he agrees to take her to him.

The other blond teenager destined to save the world, Malina, ends up going to the docks. Plus, Miko turned out to not even be an Evo and is actually a character from a video game, so why can she do what she does? You hurt me-not just failed to entertain me, not just insulted me as a viewer, but emotionally hurt me-for three of your four original seasons, and I still tuned in, thinking “Oh, it’s been five years, Surely he’s changed!” You haven’t.

Once Taylor arrives at a motel, she loads up her computer and sends a message to a hacktivist group that’s apparently fighting to save all the evos and she informs them that her mother isn’t who she claims to be and her company definitely isn’t doing what is advertised.


Tim Kring, on the off-chance that you are reading this, please know that I think you are incredible. Your original series is what got me into watching television regularly, because it showed me that we could do things on TV that hadn’t been done before, and the market has followed your example.

Phoebe Frady aka The Shadow