
Hideo Kojima Bids Farewell to Metal Gear in Emotional Video

Konami also suggests resetting Metal Gear Solid V if it isn’t working but the servers are listed as “operating normally” for your platform.


The Phantom Pain follows the tale of the Kiefer Sutherland-voiced mercenary Snake (aka Punished Snake, aka Venom Snake, aka Big Boss – told you it was convoluted) as he and his comrades in the private military organization Diamond Dogs seek vengeance against the shadowy government organization Cypher. Complete the mission to claim the blueprint for your collection. The Phantom Pain uses most of the same features but adds a few refinements to make Big Boss even more agile, both when it comes to sneaking around and in guns-blazing situations.

You’ll want to get yourself a snack and a free afternoon if you intend to read the entire timeline in one sitting as it’s thousands of words inter-spaced with a ton of imagery.

A post on Metal Gear Network reveals Mother Base Coins will be available in bundles ranging from 100 coins to 6,000 coins (the pricing shown in the post is for New Zealand dollars). Although the story is still hugely engrossing and just as fantastical and nuanced as previous entries, the exposition of the plot has taken a hit. Their missions and adventures are rather neatly constrained to smaller sections and exploring the rest of the areas feels relatively good, albeit a bit tedious if you can’t snag a jeep or other means of transportation. Additionally Metal Gear Solid is the forerunner for overt cinematic presentation due to well crafted cutscenes and characters that the player can invest in. It ends up at times giving the odd impression that hes simply a pawn for Ocelot and Kaz, which I dont believe was the intent.

Ishmael’s role in the story seemed mysterious not only because the bandage covering his face disguises his real identity, he also uses a codename. Not only did it completely rework the camera to be more like Splinter Cell, a mechanic that would be used in future releases, but it also implemented the first-ever iteration of Metal Gear Online, on top of an Ape Escape tie-in minigame, and fully playable versions of the first two MSX Metal Gear games. Fulton everything, every time you can, as new soldiers you send to the Mother Base will provide you intel and money you could invest on the structure. The letter served as an inspiration for the team, who managed to succesfully push forward and finish the “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain“.


As we swipe the calendar past another month and move into September, we get one step closer to the busy fall season of games.

Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes