
High-Profile Right Wingers Declare “War” in Wake of Dallas Police Shootings

This protest happened on the same day as another protest in Dallas, TX ended in gunfire and dead police officers.


In the aftermath of this week’s deadly police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota, and Thursday night’s sniper attacks on police in Dallas, Tri-State supporters of Black Lives Matter will hold a rally Sunday to show solidarity.

“Even though (police shootings aren’t) happening as much here in Indianapolis…it’s still important because it’s not just Black Lives Matter, but all lives matter. Get out- do write to your politicians”, said event organizers.

At the Kingston event, Nadia Bennett represented the group Black Lives Matter of the Hudson Valley.

Some 200 supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement gathered Thursday afternoon to organize a local response. Mixon said he’ll speak at a church after the Republican gathering.

“I personally always try to take a step back”, Mixon said.


“I’m in route to Baylor Hospital, let them know I’m coming”, says one officer who indicated he had an wounded cop in his vehicle. “Of course, when you look at the videos of the police officers, the way they killed the recent two, they’re gunning our people down like animals and they’re showing no compassion”.

Black Lives Matter protesters in Charlotte