
Highlights of FBI notes on Clinton email investigation

“These documents demonstrate Hillary Clinton’s reckless and downright unsafe handling of classified information during her tenure as secretary of state”, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said in a statement.


“The FBI’s review of available… weblogs showed scanning attempts from external IP addresses over the course of [IT manager Bryan] Pagliano’s administration of the server, only one appears to have resulted in a successful compromise of an email account on the server”, the report reads.

The House speaker, Paul Ryan, said: “These documents demonstrate Hillary Clinton’s reckless and downright unsafe handling of classified information during her tenure as secretary of state”.

A Clinton campaign aide said Clinton only referenced her concussion to explain she was not at work but for a few hours a day at that time, not that she did not remember things from that period.

Investigations determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices, eight of which she used during her tenure, the FBI documents said.

“Clinton stated she did not know what the ‘(C)’ meant at the beginning of the paragraphs and speculated it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order”, the report said. In a later email exchange, a State official warned a top Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, that if Clinton had an official State Department email account, all the emails on it would be subject to public requests under the Freedom of Information Act.

The 58 pages of notes released on Friday, several of which were redacted, also related that Hanley often purchased replacement BlackBerry devices for Clinton during Clinton’s time at the state department.

The latest developments highlight competing liabilities for Clinton. This FBI report will not help her make that case.

Clinton was asked during the interview about an email from former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who also relied on a personal email account while in office. “Clinton could not recall any briefing or training by state related to the retention of federal records or handling of classified information”. And when asked about different classification types like “Top Secret”, Clinton went on to say she “did not pay attention to the “level” of classified information and took all classified information seriously”.

In addition, the notes say: “Clinton could not recall when she first received her security clearance and if she carried it with her to state via reciprocity from her time in the Senate”.

In its summary of the interview with Clinton, the agency said she had received no direction on preserving or producing State Department records while transitioning out of her post.

“I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data”, Powell said, according to the summary.

“We trust state department employees to use their best judgment when conveying sensitive information, taking into account a range of factors”.

On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released heavily redacted documents from its three-and-a-half hour private interview with Clinton at her home in Washington on July 2. But she said she had no intention of removing classification markings, and she said she couldn’t recall actually receiving a “nonpaper” or secure fax in that instance.


“These documents demonstrate Hillary Clinton’s reckless and downright unsafe handling of classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State”, Ryan said in a statement.

Hillary Clinton checking her phone after addressing the Security Council at the United Nations as secretary of state in 2012