
Hill says Democrats to have strong Senate pick

“That is why, after consulting with my family, my staff and part leaders, I am withdrawing from the U.S. Senate race and removing my name from the ballot”. He is the son of former three-term Democratic U.S. Senator Birch Bayh, who was defeated by Dan Quayle in 1980.


Etling praised Hill as a well-respected public servant who campaigned hard for the Senate race, but external polling indicated Hill “may not be getting all the traction he would have liked”.

Evan Bayh was Indiana’s Senator from 1999 to 2011.

Trevor Foughty also said, “This seat isn’t the birthright of a wealthy lobbyist from Washington, it belongs to the people of IN”.

Mr. Bayh, 60, served two terms as governor of IN, from 1989 to 1997, and two terms as senator, from 1999 to 2011. By contrast, Bayh has almost $9.3 million left over in his campaign account. “Baron Hill has always put IN first and has been focused on setting aside party differences to strengthen our state and country”, said Bayh. But I think that what you’re going to see is that the Republicans are going to pounce on him as someone who didn’t stick with it- If he had these convictions that the Senate was too polarized- then why didn’t he stay and try and do something about it. Evan Bayh speaks in Indianapolis. “I will begin the process for the Democratic State Central Committee to fill the ballot vacancy in accordance with in state law”.

According to his statement, Hill has informed the Democratic Party of his plans and said the state party’s Central Committee will choose his replacement. “But, I am a pragmatic person who will always put my country and my state first”. “I was surprised but not shocked because Evan has talked the last several years about at some point returning to public service; I don’t believe he was thinking about this, but it’s an opportunity that can help the party regain control of the senate, and help IN get a second Democratic senator”. National Republican Senatorial Committee Executive Director Ward Baker made the following statement regarding the Indiana Senate race: “Hoosiers will have a very clear choice in November”.

Democrats need five seats to retake control of the Senate chamber outright. He first came on the radar seriously here at the shebeen when he felt compelled to chime in on the fluke election of Scott Brown to the United States Senate in 2010.

If Bayh decides to enter the race, Democratic nominee Baron Hill would have to end his bid. “Hill has not been able to raise enough money to make this a competitive race”. He had reported having only about $387,000 in campaign cash as of mid-April; Young’s campaign said Monday it has $1.23 million in cash. “But the Bayh name has a pedigree for older Hoosiers that goes way back”.

Still, he chose to sit out the election process and didn’t run in the Democratic primary.

“I’m very much encouraged about this development”, Johnson said.

“My focus is on earning re-election as governor of this great state”, said Pence at a campaign stop in Columbus on Monday night.

How does this impact Indiana’s gubernatorial race, one that could be shaken up within days or hours by Trump?


“It’s why moderates and independents even in a state as Democratic as MA just aren’t buying our message”, he said. Mike Pence, Indiana’s GOP governor, is reportedly on Donald Trump’s VP short list. Bayh was a top surrogate for Hillary Clinton during her unsuccessful run for president in 2008, and has been a major fund-raiser for her this cycle. “The same prospect holds for down ballot Democrats”. And while many Democrats will love this news, some progressives might look at Bayh’s middle-of-the-road politics, and close ties to big business, with frustration.

Evan Bayh mounting Senate return