
Hillary Clinton accepts nomination, says ‘We’ll fix it together’

But numerous Vermont senator’s backers weren’t persuaded, especially after leaked emails confirmed their suspicions that national party leaders favored the former secretary of state during a protracted contest for the Democratic nomination.


We’ll talk about the speech, and the divisions in the Democratic party with our panel. How her message translates to the rest of America is yet to be seen. She nodded to her interest in the details of policy, saying those details matter to the people they affect. Watch the full speech below Clinton begins the next chapter in her 40-year odyssey, one she hopes will end with an historic journey back to the White House. She said the country must “keep going until every one of the 161 million women and girls across America has the opportunity she deserves to have”.

“I will be a president for Democrats, Republicans, and independents”, she added. For the struggling, the striving and the successful. “You know who I don’t trust? She’s ready. She never quits”.

Trump already has spent more of his own money than any other presidential candidate ever, around $50 million, and recently forgave the loans he had made to his campaign committee. We will disrupt their efforts online to reach and radicalize young people in our country. Her running mate came out on the stage, and then Bill Clinton – his eyes red from crying – came out and gave her a hug that seemed as if it would go on forever.

Clinton also rejected much of the Trump rhetoric that has been a constant on the trail, while mocking him as a thin-skinned candidate who “loses his cool” at the slightest provocation.

She said his plans are nothing more than scams and that he really means what he says.

Clinton faces a major trust deficit among a United States public that has known her for the past quarter century.

“I didn’t produce the show – I just showed up for the final speech on Thursday”, the Republican presidential nominee told The New York Times when asked about the differences between the two parties’ conventions. “I will always be profoundly grateful to all of you and to the American people for the last eight years”. Khizr Khan said, brandishing a copy to loud cheers.

“You have sacrificed nothing, and no one!” “We said a few niceties and hung up”.

If you’re with her, Thursday is the night to tune in. A full roll-call vote on Tuesday, which some anxious might only spotlight party division, turned into a show of unity, as Clinton and Sanders supporters teamed up to deliver their state’s delegate totals.

“When any barrier falls in America, for anyone, it clears the way for everyone”.

Having visited more than 100 countries, Clinton presented herself as a more experienced candidate, a bulwark against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS), and as a leader who will know how to deal with Russian Federation and Iran, and guide a nation that she knows is frustrated and anxious.


“Americans don’t say: “I alone can fix it”, Clinton said”.

Hillary Clinton: 10 important dates in her own words