
Hillary Clinton Accepts The Democratic Nomination

“I think there are undercurrents of privilege that concern me”.


Clinton’s speech might also help move the election polls in her favor – 60% of viewers said they were more likely to vote for Clinton after watching her address, while only 6% said they were less likely and 33% said it didn’t affect their vote either way.

Mook said the quadrennial Democratic convention has served as a testimonial for her candidacy, with “people speaking about how they know they can trust Hillary because she has always delivered for them”.

Supporters of rival Bernie Sanders have made their voices heard across Philadelphia.

Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, an African-American and close ally of Clinton, was telling the story of his late father – a share-cropper in SC – on the convention’s first day when Sanders supporters started chanting “No TPP” and holding up signs opposing the trade pact.

She also pledged to fight what she called “systemic racism” and work on reforming the criminal justice system. “People ask me all the time, how does she do it? Because when any barrier falls in America is clears the way for everyone”, she said. He said that as a veteran of many civil rights protests, he understands the passions that drove the mostly young delegates to shout over his speech.

“I loved that my parents expected me to have opinions and be able to back them up with facts”.

“I will gladly lend you my copy!” And Clinton offered an open hand to backers of Vermont Sen.

Yet even those who have long anticipated this moment wonder whether the true weight of its significance will be felt, or whether Clinton is a bit late to the party.

Campaigning in Iowa Thursday, Trump said there were “a lot of lies being told” at Clinton’s convention.

“[Clinton] laid out a vision I thought was awesome…” There were a number of remarkable political speakers at the Democratic National Convention, and majority were civilians. Those numbers will then decline, most probably, to a new set point, as the Democratic leaners are reminded of their doubts about Clinton.

Dark portrait Obama dismissed Trump’s dark portrait of the United States as a “divided crime scene’ that only he can fix”, railing against his erroneous claims about illegal immigration and crime and his failure to detail any real solutions to the complex problems facing a largely frustrated electorate.

Hillary Clinton’s can be happy for the success of her acceptance speech on another level: The distraction cooled most of the animosity toward her from Bernie supporters. How are you going to break through the gridlock in Washington?

There is no candidate, the president said, who has ever been more qualified than Hillary Clinton to run for the presidency. Clinton, she said, just hasn’t been a positive for black Americans.

She also attacked Trump’s statement about him knowing more about ISIS than national security officials saying “No Donald, you don’t”. She said she’s not yet sure if she will vote at all in November.

Clinton’s proposals are an extension of President Barack Obama’s two terms in office: tackling climate change, overhauling the nation’s fractured immigration laws, and restricting access to guns. But she predicted the party would ultimately come together. She said Republicans have gone from Ronald Reagan’s “morning in America” to Trump’s “midnight in America”.


In Wednesday night’s speech – one of the most passionate and personal of his presidency – Obama used the podium in Philadelphia, the birthplace of the United States, to evoke the principles of the country’s founders and “We, the People” to reject Trump’s dystopian view of America and the Republican nominee’s polarising campaign to capitalise electorally on a divided country.
