
Hillary Clinton Agrees to GMA Debate

Clinton was expected to return to NY, where she faces an important home-state primary later this month, while husband Bill Clinton is planning to campaign on her behalf Monday in Milwaukee.


Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs said in Sunday’s statement the Clinton campaign “disingenuously announced that it had agreed to a debate on another day when it knew very well that Sen”.

After Sanders declined tonight’s invitation, Clinton offered April 14, a date on which Sanders will likely be holding a rally in New York City.

Sanders, 74, is also a leading proponent of issues such as income inequality, universal healthcare, parental leave, climate change, and campaign finance reform in the US.

Compare and contrast that with the email from the Clinton camp over the weekend.

Sanders initially had resisted holding a debate on April 14 because his campaign had secured a permit for a rally in Washington Square Park that evening.

That’s tonight, of course. He’s favoured in the Wisconsin primary Tuesday. Some rocket scientist suggested they debate tonight – opposite the NCAA Men’s College Basketball championship game.

So you say there’s a conflict? Or April 15 (proposed on Good Morning America)?

The Sanders campaign — which moved a rally they had scheduled for that night — confirmed the debate too, but not without taking a not so subtle shot at Clinton.

You following all of this? “It’s great for the people of NY that there will be a debate in Brooklyn, something that the Clinton campaign has long opposed”. Sanders said plainly on ABC’s “This Week” that Roe v. Wade would be another litmus test for any potential Supreme Court nominee, in addition to opposition toCitizens United.

Bernie Sanders has won six of the last seven Democratic primaries and caucuses.

The announcement did not put an end to the squabbling that’s taken place over the past several days.


According to an Associated Press analysis, Sanders must win 67 per cent of the remaining delegates and uncommitted superdelegates – party leaders and officials who can support any candidate – through June to be able to clinch the Democratic nomination. Along the way the Democratic debates are now in the category of must-see-T.V. for more than just political junkies.

HIllary Clinton And Bernie Sanders