
Hillary Clinton and the life of the party

“I look forward to sitting down with Secretary Clinton and see what kind of platform she is going to support and how aggressive she is going to be”, he said on CBS’ Face the Nation.


Jenn Fendrick, 32, of Fairfax, Virginia, told CNN that she isn’t sure how successful Sanders will be in uniting his supporters behind Clinton.

After winning both California and New Jersey on Tuesday, and having enough delegates to clinch the nomination, Clinton has moved on from her fight against Sanders and is now gearing up for a race against Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

Obama’s endorsement came just moments after his meeting with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s rival in the nomination race, and according to Earnest, Sanders “was not surprised” by Obama’s endorsement.

Clinton, meanwhile, delivered her first speech since becoming the presumptive nominee, addressing advocates at Planned Parenthood, a women’s health organization and abortion provider. After leaving the White House, Sanders met with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who invited him to speak at a Senate luncheon next week, and Sen.

The meeting comes the day the District of Columbia will hold the final primary contest of the 2016 election season.

Price, of Chapel Hill, said Thursday he wants Sanders to “serve notice that he’s going to be supporting our candidate in the fall, and that it is absolutely unthinkable that Donald Trump should be President of the United States”. With the primary season effectively over, Warren’s clout among Sanders’ supporters could help woo the #BernieOrBust crowd and strengthen Clinton’s position heading into the general. The nonprofit was a strong champion of Clinton in the primaries, giving her its first endorsement in its100-year history.

“I say that as somebody who had to debate her more than 20 times”, he says of his likable endorsee. But she said she would do all that she can to prevent Trump from getting “any place close to the White House”. Earnest said the video was recorded Tuesday. “I think his campaign was good for the Democratic Party, good for our country”. There was only one problem – Hillary’s post was sent just five minutes after his original “crooked Hillary” line, while his response to her was sent over two hours after her tweet, a fact that many took note of.


“One of the things that President Obama said yesterday is he thought his job was to remind the American people what a really serious job this is, the tough choices, the hard decisions, the high stakes in choosing a president and commander in chief”, Clinton said.

Saturday Column: Presidential candidates present striking contrasts