
Hillary Clinton Announces Tim Kaine as Vice Presidential Candidate

“I could not be any more honored to stand by Hillary’s side in this very important campaign”. I am happy to serve and look forward to a great convention and our ongoing efforts as we work together for a strong party and a successful election.


Marsh said that sends a signal to members of Congress that Kaine’s word in negotiations will be Clinton’s word, something that would help in governing.

Clinton went on to praise Kaine’s missionary work in Honduras, his commitment to justice as a young civil rights lawyer, and his ability to lead the commonwealth in Virginia through one of the worst financial crises in a generation among several other highlights from his political career. “And he is a progressive who likes to get things done”.

“She has chosen a running mate that has a track record of advocating and fighting for the issues that affect the Latino community and our nation: immigration, healthcare, women’s rights and the environment”, said Ben Monterroso, executive director of Mi Familia Vota.

“Sen. Tim Kaine is everything Donald Trump and Mike Pence are not”, Clinton said.

“Mike Pence comes from the heart of the conservative movement – and the heart of America”, Speaker Paul Ryan said in a statement after Trump chose Pence.

Clinton announced Kaine as her vice presidential pick on Friday night after a monthslong search. Bernie Sanders and Ohio Sen.

The bilingual Kaine may prove to be a valuable asset in Spanish-language media as the campaign appeals to Hispanic-Americans turned off by Republican Donald Trump’s harsh rhetoric about immigrants.

“The selection increases the burden on Hillary Clinton to pressure the White House to take TPP off the table in a lame-duck Congress”, said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

Clinton-Kaine will have to craft a response on trade. Not to mention Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Michelle Obama, and many other leaders of a united Democratic Party.

“When Donald Trump says he’s got your back, you’d better watch out”, said Kaine.

Trump, in a text to his own supporters, said Obama, Clinton and Kaine were “the ultimate insiders” and implored voters to not “let Obama have a 3rd term”. He called Kaine’s history “fantastic” and said it was a miracle that he could be a progressive in a Southern state. He noted violent crime has recently risen in some cities, “but we’re not going to make good decisions based on fears that don’t have a basis in fact”.

After weeks of speculation, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has announced she will tap Tim Kaine as her running mate.

But Clinton’s campaign faced mounting unrest from some liberal groups and supporters of Vermont Sen. Taking the stage to Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell’s “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”, a beaming Clinton linked hands with Kaine and promised next week’s convention would be about “building bridges, not walls”. “He won’t fire up the liberal base, but Hillary Clinton thinks Donald Trump will do that”.

Clinton and Kaine officially joined forces ahead of the Democratic National Convention which kicks off Monday in Philadelphia, where they will be elevated as the official nominees to the party’s presidential ticket. Active in the Senate on foreign relations and military affairs, he built a reputation for working across the aisle as Virginia’s governor and as mayor of Richmond. Yesterday on NBC’s Today, Chuck Todd anxious Kaine was “too centrist” to be accepted by supporters of the far-left Bernie Sanders.

Clinton and Kaine met that evening at her Washington home for 90 minutes, and she invited Kaine and his wife, Virginia Education Secretary Anne Holton, to her home in Chappaqua two days later. “I like to do right”. Trump took the stage by himself and spoke at length before turning to the topic of his new running mate.


Aides say as Clinton deliberated over a shortlist of potentials vice presidential nominees, she continued to return to her “unshakable confidence” in his readiness for the job, as well as her personal comfort with him.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton right listens as Sen. Tim Kaine D-Va. speaks at a rally at Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale Thursday