
Hillary Clinton appears in Denver, Boulder

Hillary Clinton has agreed to stop using the term “illegal immigrants”. “Throughout a Noticias Telemundo Fb question-and-answer session, the previous secretary of state was asked by immigration activist Jose Antonio Vargas if she would commit to his “#wordsmatter” pledge.


“Well, I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in”, Clinton said.

“Yes, I will”, Clinton promptly responded.

“My parents had a saying in Spanish – “Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres” – which means, ‘Tell me who you’re hanging with and I’ll tell you who you are, ‘” said Alma R. Gonzalez, an uncommitted superdelegate from Florida.

While campaigning in New Hampshire recently, Hillary Clinton sounded a Donald Trumpian note on immigration.

Over the course of her campaign, Clinton has promised to go beyond President Obama’s executive actions that shielded about 4 million undocumented immigrants from deportation.

As far as letting refugees into the country, Clinton said that no matter what, the vigilant with the screening process, and the process is time consuming.

The Republican candidates have engaged in a lot of tough talking rhetoric about bombing ISIS or shutting America off for Syrian refugees, but their bellicose posturing has not earned them the trust of the American people.

Asked about her reaction to the perennial push by western states to claim ownership of more of the lands how owned by the federal government (Nevada is 86 percent federally owned), she came down clearly against what she described as “a long and contentious effort” to claim those lands from the federal government.

The USA should not want to send a message that gives any support to terrorists looking create divisions between the US and Muslims, Clinton said, adding, “That is not smart”.

She later offered similar comments at Manual High School in Denver.

Clinton also planned to attend a private fundraiser Tuesday in Boulder.

Her Facebook page has no mention of the Colorado events Tuesday, but it does have 38 custom state T-shirts that say a variation of, “Nebraskans for Hillary”.

“If 33,000 people were dying every year from something else, we’d surely do something about it”, Clinton said of USA shooting deaths at a Denver rally. Clinton has won the support of several large unions representing about 11 million members in total.

However, Hillary Clinton is used to those lines of attack, and she is also aware that her steady resolve in the face of those attacks projects the very strength the GOP is desperately trying to say she lacks.


This story has been corrected to show the name of Vargas’ organization is Define American, not Define America.

Americans Trust Hillary Clinton Over Any Republican To Handle Terrorism