
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders exchange barbs in first one-on-one face off

The NBC moderators of the debate in Durham, New Hampshire on Thursday night pressed Sanders on what they said were gaps in his foreign policy; Sanders has not named a foreign policy team of advisers, and generally focuses on the economy in his campaigning.


Hillary Clinton on releasing transcripts: “I’ll look into it”. “Because that’s what they offered”, she said.

Normalizing relations immediately would remove one of the biggest levers the United States has to pry concessions from Iran in the future, she said. “It is fair to say, senator, that in your definition, as you being the self-proclaimed gatekeeper for progressivism, I don’t know anyone else who fits that definition, but I know a lot of really hard fighting progressives in the Democratic Party who have stood up time, and time again against special interests, against the powerful on behalf of those who are left behind and left out”. Now, the tone at Sanders’ rallies makes clear, she will have significant work to do to win them over should she win the nomination.

Sanders repeated his earlier pledge not to attack Clinton on the controversy over her use of a private email account and a private server for government business when she was secretary of state. But Sanders countered, arguing that her decision to vote in favor of sending ground troops to Iraq under George W. Bush shows her lack of judgment when it comes to foreign policies.

Clinton, unwilling to cede the issue to Sanders, insisted her regulatory policies would be tougher on Wall Street than his.

During Thursday night’s debate, Hillary Clinton said that many people in goverment – senators, governors – have endorsed her for president, including those who’ve worked closely with Bernie Sanders. “I think those are exactly the people you have to talk to and you have to negotiate with”, he said.

Asked directly whether she could “reassure” Democrats on this, Clinton said: “Absolutely I can”.

“To my mind, if we do not get a handle on money in politics and the degree to which big money controls the political process in this country, nobody is going to bring about the changes that is needed in this country for the middle class and working families”, Sanders said. That’s up four points for Sanders and down four for Clinton since the same poll in January.

Clinton called Sanders out for “attacks by insinuation” after he referenced the millions of dollars raised by an outside political group supporting Clinton’s campaign from donors with ties to the nation’s financial industry. There’s hardly anything you don’t know about me.

“I don’t want to see us start over again with a contentious debate”, she said during a past debate and frequently on the trail.

“I went to Wall Street before the crash”, she said. As president, Clinton would seek to protect the gains of Barack Obama and push on areas where progress or consensus is possible.

Her response? “Senator Sanders is the only one who would charatcerize me, a woman running to be the first president, as exemplyfing the establishment”.

“That’s right”, Sanders said.

The former secretary of state admonished the senator for the implications of his attacks.

“I never sent or received any classified material”.

DURHAM, N.H. (AP) — For months, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have campaigned against each other with a velvet touch, eager to distinguish their race for the Democratic presidential nomination from the combative contest taking place in the Republican primary.

Unusually for Sanders, who has been reticent about his Jewish upbringing, he closed Thursday’s debate with a memory of his father.


After the debate, the Clinton campaign blasted Sanders on foreign policy, accusing him of drawing a clumsy comparison between the USA policy of opening diplomatic relations with Cuba and the proper way to approach Iran, which remains locked in confrontation with Washington despite the clinching of a nuclear deal a year ago.

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders. |File