
Hillary Clinton Bets Against Fear

PHILADELPHIA -Hillary Clinton did not give the most popular speech of the Democratic National Convention, attendees told The Post. “That’s why when there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit”, the 68-year-old said.


That statement seemed to be one of the underlying messages during the convention – you know Clinton but you really don’t know the true Clinton.

Clinton, accompanied by Kaine and their spouses, will use her bus trip to focus on economic opportunity, diversity and national security. A full roll-call vote on Tuesday, which some anxious might only spotlight party division, turned into a show of unity, as Clinton and Sanders supporters teamed up to deliver their state’s delegate totals.

And Clinton offered an open hand to backers of Vermont Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, dropped out in March tweeted that her speech was a “disaster” because he could hear “boos and catcalls” from Bernie Sanders’s supporters.

“He’s taken the Republican Party a long way, from “Morning in America” to Midnight in America”, Clinton said.

Still, some Sanders supporters heckled Clinton, apparently angry about a story which surfaced Sunday and indicated leaked emails showed the Democratic National Committee did not remain neutral and favored Clinton over Sanders during the primary race.

And therein lies one of the challenges for the former first lady, NY senator and secretary of state who after 25 years in the national political spotlight is considered one of the most polarizing political figures in the United States. Some analysts have criticized her for avoiding the subject during the speech, but Dugan defended the omission.

But Miller said those people would not be part of her America. “It will come up again and again before November”. The problem that Clinton had last night is she can’t hide from 25 years’. She railed against her opponent, questioning his temperament, asking Americans to “imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis. You might not like the answer, but she answered it”. The Clinton campaign made a calculated decision to have Chelsea Clinton stand before the mic and focus nearly exclusively on Hillary’s “softer” qualities of gentle mothering and care for children. Those spirits were lifted further when the balloon drop that signals the end of the convention took place.

She appealed to voters beyond the party, praising US Senator John McCain, a former Republican candidate for president, as a war hero and the military service of the son of Trump’s running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence.

As for Clinton’s claim that Trump can’t handle a political campaign, he noted that he defeated a field of Republican hopefuls to win the GOP nomination.

“Hopefully, people won’t make their decision based on politics, ” Dugan said.


“There’s no doubt in my mind that every election is important in its own way, but I can’t think of an election that was more important in my lifetime”, the Democrat told thousands of supporters in the first stop of a three-day bus tour through the Rust Belt battlegrounds of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Tim Kaine Hillary Clinton